John Micklethwait 激烈爭論 川普關稅計劃


YouTube 新视野  2024年10月15日

10月15日,川普(特朗普)在芝加哥經濟俱樂部採訪中,就徵收關稅計劃與彭博社主編約翰·米克爾思韋特(John Micklethwait)發生了激烈的爭論——他告訴這位記者,你的一生都是「錯誤的」。原因是,米克爾思韋特反复質問川普的關稅政策,給美國消費者帶來經濟負擔,並指責川普發動了美國「貿易戰」。川普連珠炮似的反擊,讓主持人插不上話,幾乎被逼瘋。


作者:James Oliphant 2024 年 10 月 16 日



Trump eyes high tariffs on imports from allies and rivals

分析人士称,到 2035 年,特朗普的计划可能会使联邦债务增加 7.5 万亿美元

Analysts say Trump plans could add $7.5 trillion to federal debt by 2035


Trump backs away from suggesting control over Federal Reserve

10 月 15 日(路透社)——共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普周二为他的贸易保护主义政策和其他财政提案辩护,驳斥了这些政策可能会推高联邦债务、激怒盟友并损害美国经济的说法。

“我们只关心增长。 “我们将把公司带回我们的国家,”这位前总统在芝加哥经济俱乐部接受采访时,有时气氛有些紧张。

采访者是彭博新闻社主编约翰·米克尔思韦特,他引用了预算分析师的预测,即特朗普的计划将在 2035 年之前使联邦债务增加 7.5 万亿美元,是特朗普在 11 月 5 日大选中的民主党对手、副总统卡马拉·哈里斯所青睐的政策的两倍多。






“你所要做的就是在美国建厂,这样就不会被征收任何关税,”特朗普说。 “我同意这将产生巨大的影响,是积极的影响,而不是消极的影响。”

特朗普重申,他将对在墨西哥组装和进口的汽车征收高额关税——最高可达 200%。他还表示,他将对从德国等国家进口的汽车征收关税,以迫使外国公司在美国生产产品。


2017 年至 2021 年担任总统期间,特朗普对进口洗衣机、太阳能电池板、钢铁、铝以及来自中国和欧洲的商品征收了惩罚性关税。


第 1 项,共 4 项 2024 年 10 月 15 日,共和党总统候选人、前美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥经济俱乐部接受彭博社主编约翰·米克尔思韦特采访时发表讲话。路透社/乔尔·安吉尔·华雷斯

[1/4]共和党总统候选人、前美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥经济俱乐部接受彭博社主编约翰·米克尔思韦特采访时发表讲话美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥,2024 年 10 月 15 日。路透社/Joel Angel Juarez 购买许可权,打开新标签










当被问及他是否会试图拆分科技巨头 Alphabet 旗下的谷歌时,特朗普暗示编辑称,这是针对他的“操纵”,并表示“我会做点什么”。

特朗普再次为他在 2020 年大选后的行为辩护,并拒绝透露如果他输了,他是否会接受 2024 年的选举结果并同意和平移交权力。

他坚称,在 2020 年输掉选举后,权力进行了和平移交,对 2021 年 1 月 6 日发生的事件不以为然,当时他的支持者冲进美国国会大厦,阻止选举认证。四名参与者在混乱中死亡,五名警察随后死亡,其中一些是自杀。



Under fire, Trump contends economic policies won't boost federal debt

By  October 16, 2024

  • Summary
  • Companies
  • Trump eyes high tariffs on imports from allies and rivals
  • Analysts say Trump plans could add $7.5 trillion to federal debt by 2035
  • Trump backs away from suggesting control over Federal Reserve
Oct 15 (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his protectionist trade policies and other fiscal proposals, dismissing suggestions that they could drive up the federal debt, antagonize allies and harm the U.S. economy.
“We’re all about growth. We’re going to bring companies back to our country,” the former president said in a sometimes-tense interview at the Economic Club of Chicago.
The interviewer, John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, cited projections by budget analysts that Trump’s plans would add $7.5 trillion to the federal debt through the year 2035, more than twice that of policies favored by Trump’s Democratic opponent in the Nov. 5 election, Vice President Kamala Harris.
Trump maintained that his trade policies - which call for pricey tariffs on goods not only from rivals such as China but allies such as the European Union - would revitalize American manufacturing and yield enough revenue to ease concerns about ballooning the deficit.
"To me, the most beautiful word in the world is 'tariff,'" Trump said.
In a later all-women Fox News town hall event in Atlanta, taped for broadcast on Wednesday, Trump said he would work toward more tax breaks for lower-income Americans.
"W­­­e're going to readjust things so that it's fair to everybody, because it's really not fair to everybody," he said. "It's unfair to some people and we're not going to have that."
Some trade experts have argued Trump's proposed tariffs could damage the U.S. economy, jeopardize jobs and drive up consumer prices.
“All you have to do is build your plants in the United States, and you won’t have any tariffs,” Trump said. “I agree it’s going to have a massive effect, a positive effect, not a negative."
Trump reiterated that he would levy a high tariff on vehicles assembled in and imported from Mexico - as high as 200%, he said. And he said he would impose duties on imported cars from countries such as Germany in order to force foreign companies to manufacture their products in the U.S.
When Micklethwait told Trump those efforts might annoy allies the U.S. needs to compete against China, Trump responded by saying, “Our allies have taken advantage of us more than our enemies.”
As president from 2017 to 2021, Trump imposed punitive tariffs on imported washing machines, solar panels, steel, aluminum and goods from China and Europe.
Trump's sit-down with Micklethwait was a departure from typical interviews on his economic plans, which involve more friendly broadcasters, such as Fox News' Maria Bartiromo and Larry Kudlow, who served as Trump's top economic adviser in the White House.
Item 1 of 4 Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks as he is interviewed by Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait at the Economic Club of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. October 15, 2024. REUTERS/Joel Angel Juarez
[1/4]Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks as he is interviewed by Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait at the Economic Club of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. October 15, 2024. REUTERS/Joel Angel Juarez Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab
A supportive crowd in the room often cheered his comments and booed some of Micklethwait's questions.
Trump appeared to back away from previous comments that as president, he should be able to exert control over the Federal Reserve.
"I think I have the right to say I think you should go up or down a little bit," Trump said, referring to setting interest rates. "I don't think I should be allowed to order it, but I think I have the right to put in comments as to whether or not the interest rates should go up or down."
He didn't answer when asked whether he would remove Fed Chair Jerome Powell.


The interview covered a wide range of topics beyond the economy, with Trump characteristically refusing to directly answer some questions, changing the subject, indulging in extended tangents and criticizing Micklethwait.
Asked if he had spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin since leaving the White House, Trump said: "I don't comment on that, but I will tell you that if I did, it's a smart thing. If I have a relationship with people, that's a good thing, not a bad thing."
He did not respond directly when asked if the U.S. would defend Taiwan if it were invaded by China.
"The reason (China is) doing it now is they're not going to do it afterward," he said.
Asked if he would try to break up tech giant Alphabet's Google, Trump suggested it was "rigged" against him and said, "I'd do something."
Trump again defended his actions in the wake of the 2020 election and refused to say whether he would accept the 2024 election results and agree to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose.
He insisted there was a peaceful transfer of power after his 2020 loss, shrugging off the events of Jan. 6, 2021, when his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol to halt certification of the election. Four participants died during the chaos and five police officers died afterward, some by suicide.
"It was love and peace and some people went to the Capitol and a lot of strange things happened there," Trump said.
Reporting by James Oliphant; Editing by Colleen Jenkins, Jonathan Oatis, Deepa Babington and Sonali Paul
