
11/2/07(f) lele     9.00am get up
                          yorgurt 1oz 4oz milk, 2oz pear-mogo oat
                        11.30 egg,rice,carrot, 1oz yogurt
                         1.30 half banana
                          2.00 pear-mogo left with half spon rce cereal
                                   20z milk good start with enfamil 3oz left
                         4.30 wake up 3oz milk popo hard a little
                         5oz pear diduted juice  - popo softer
                         5.00 yogurt 1oz oat 2oz 10 cracks
                         7.15 dinner  cabage,you cai, flour star, tomato - 6oz 
                                 eat within half hour very good
                         9.30 sleep without drink milk
                         until 2nd about 6am good night sleep
                         add outer cloth while sleep