China Road: A journey into the future of a rising power (from library)
当金星女撞上火星男 (Why Mars & Venus Collide: improving relationships by understanding how men and women cope differently with stress) (from library)
文化名人演讲录 -- 发现你的心灵 (from library)
从星空到心灵 -- 易中天/于丹演讲对话录
超人气美容圣经 -- 女性第一本美容美体知识问答百科 (from library)
张曼玉画传 (from library)
王菲画传 (from library)
张爱玲画传 (from library)
裴勇俊私家画传 (from library)
宋惠乔私家画传 (from library)
Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me 7th Edition: A unique guide to thousands of skin-care and cosmetic products, plus the latest research on keeping skin beautiful at every age (from library)
Eat, Pray, Love: One woman's search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia (from library)