Quiet Revolution Ltd has revolutionized the windmill with their new QuietRevolutionwind turbine, the QR5. Not only is it one of the most visuallyappealing wind turbines available on the market, its small scale allowsit to fit seamlessly into an urban environment, providing a renewableenergy resource in places where space constraints previously made itimpossible to hook up green power systems.
The genius of the QuietRevolution’sQR5 is its VAWT design, aka Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. The VAWTenables the QR5 to gather power from the winds near around buildingsthat are constantly changing directions. It is also quieter than yourtypical wind turbine because the tip speed is slower, due to thetriple-helix design, which in turn allows it to be situated closer tobuildings and on towers.
Exactly how big is the QuietRevolutionTurbine you ask? Currently in production, the QR5 is 5m high and 3.1min diameter. Two more sizes are currently being developed, the OR2.5(2.5m x 2.5m) and the QR12 (12m x 6m). The QR5 is currently priced at£25,000, which includes the purchase of the wind turbine, integratedcontrol electronics, peak power tracking, auto shutdown and generator.Depending on placement and wind speeds, the QR5 will pay for itselfwithin 15 years or less.
The creative thinkers at QuietRevolution have taken the wind turbine one step further with their QuietRevolutionDisplay. Through the use of LEDS and a unique firing sequencecoordinated with the spinning of the blades, a full color video imagecan be displayed as if it is hanging in the middle of space.
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