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Dear Mr. Obama,
The reason I am writing to you is because I think you may be the mostopen-minded person among the three candidates. If there is one personamong the three can listen to what I am going to say here, it must beyou.
Have you watched the Olympic torch relay in San Francisco on April 9th?And have you seen tens of thousands of young Chinese waiting severalhours on the street waiting for the torch while waiving red Chineseflags? CNN said they are Chinese protesters to urge Chinese governmentto improve human rights. But why they are waiving Chinese flags? Thetruth is they are all Chinese who support Chinese Olympic games. I knowbecause if I didn’t live in Connecticut I would be one of them!
Do these young Chinese faces look familiar to you? Twenty years age, inBeijing Tian An’men square, tens of thousands of young Chineseprotested on the street to urge the Chinese government to startpolitical evolution, to eliminate corruption, and to improve humanrights. Most of the western medias reported this event and showed greatsupport to these young people. The whole world has seen the passion andbraveness on these young faces! I am proud to be one of them.
Now, twenty years later, the world saw these young Chinese again. Butthis time, these young men are showing great support to the Olympicgame in China, and they are fighting against the western medias, whoused to represent freedom of speech and objective coverage. AlthoughCNN has been saying these are Chinese protesters, while the whole worldhas seen with their own eyes that so many red flags make a red ocean!They are SUPPORTERS!
Have the Chinese young men changed? I am one of them. So I can tell youthat we haven’t! We still want to urge the Chinese government toimprove its political system. And we believe the lag of the politicalevolution has been causing problems when the economic evolution hasturned the planning economy into market economy. So we believe it iseven more urgent now for the Chinese government to improve itspolitical system. But why all of the Chinese got angered this time bythe western medias and the western politicians?
The answer is:
The 2008 Olympic Game in Beijing China is not the Chinese CommunistParty’s show-off party; It is an extraordinary event hosted by theChinese PEOPLE inviting all of the people around the world to share theOlympic spirit and to strengthen the friendship among people from allnations.
Boycotting 2008 Olympic is not rejecting the Chinese government, butrejecting the invitation from the Chinese people! If you go to BeijingChina now, you can see how the Chinese people are preparing for thisevent; you can see every taxi driver is learning English, because whenyou visit, they want to say to you in English “Welcome to China”!Boycotting 2008 Olympic is like you slapping these hospitable people ontheir faces.
Improving human rights is the job of the government. Hijacking theOlympic hosted by the Chinese people to force the Chinese government toimprove the human rights of Chinese people can only offend the humanrights of the Chinese people. It’s like hijacking the child to forcethe parent to treat the child better. If the parent did love the childhe would have already taken care of the child and the hijacking isnonsense; if the parent didn’t love the child, then even if you killedthe child he wouldn’t care at all. The only person is getting hurt isthe child.
This explains why these Chinese young men and young women are standinghours and hours on the street to support the 200 Olympic, and itexplains why they are so angry when the medias call them protester.Because the 2008 Olympic is their event! Not any government’s.
When you announce boycotting 2008 Olympic, you disappointed 1.5 billionChinese people. It has little to do with the Chinese government. Yourannouncement will seperate the Chinese people with the American people.Are they going to be happy with you? Look around, do you have a Chineseneighbor? How many Americans go to Chinese restaurants and enjoy theChinese food? Ask your son, who are the best students in his class? Arethey Chinese? How many Americans are traveling to China and enjoy theculture and history they saw on their trips? There are so manysimilarities among the people from all cultures. They are hard-working,honest, and hospitable. People love each other, because they are trulynext door neighbors! If you try to separate them, neither party willultimately support you.
Now all of the three candidates have announced to boycott 2008 Olympic.Believe me, if nothing change, none of you will get any votes from theChinese communities, because you have seriously offended the Chinesepeople. But what if you stand out, tell people that 2008 Olympic is theinvitation from the hospitable Chinese people, and you are glad toaccept it. You will attend the 2008 Olympic and bring the Americanpeople’s friendship and best wishes to not only the Chinese people, butpeople from all over the world. And you WISH the Chinese government tofurther improve the human rights to make Chinese people’s life better.If you can do this, I believe you will not only win every vote fromevery Chinese community, but the heart from every people living inChina, and strong support from the American communities, since on youthey will see the quality of a true leader from the strongest countryin the world.
This is not only what I expect you to accomplish, but also what Istrongly believe a true world leader should dedicate his life toachieve, the unity of the people around the world.


caimixiaopang 发表评论于
厉害, 我要是也有这么好的英文就好了, 可以做得多一些。
dingdingmama 发表评论于
Very good point.