原来,就在周二那天下午,这位同事的的父亲在阳光明媚的XX号公路上,被一辆失控的汽车,从高速公路的另一方向,冲过几十米的隔离带,迎面当头撞上。肇事的妇女据说没事,没病,精神正常,我同事的父亲却经抢救不治了。有几个同事说,5点多回家时看见事故现场消防队员在救人,车子已认不出形状。只是那时不知道也不可能知道,那辆车里是这位同事的父亲。有人不免嘘唏:You never know when your number is up。听到这里,我心里一惊。那么,因为whatever原因那天下班迟了的同事,因为走同一条路,一定经过现场。只是那时不知道也不可能知道,那辆认不出形状的车里,正是自己的父亲!
It'd bit sad reading the article. But it's kind of good attitude to the life. Always let the beloved knowing your love, it bring you peace when terrible things happened.
林韵 发表评论于
I knew it. That is why i put "来源" not "written by" in my blog.
Still wanna say: thanks for sharing with us....:)
闲人Filiz 发表评论于
一生都在飞 发表评论于
OK,thanks. I have to tell you I am not the author of "十句话,读了十分钟". It is from my (转贴)