近几周又去给自己灌墨水去了.. 整日忙得天昏地暗的.. 又有好久没来打扫庭院和更新Blog 了... 尽管屯集了许多草稿.. 就是没有空贴上去.. 非常感谢友人们的关心与问候.. 英子今天抽空贴上几段以前随手留下的小短句.. 以博笑声.. 等有空再贴小文.. 那怕是看后都会”沉默”的思索型日记…
Under the cherry tree
I was sitting under the cherry tree,
Pink flakes dropped down on my feet,
I picked up the little little tiny pink,
So deep in sigh the life was such brevity
Only One
In my world
There is only “one”
“One” man to find ,
“One” man to date,
“One“ man to match,
“One” man to marry,
Then there are “two”
Are you my gift?
Are you my gift?
Are you my king?
Are you my future lover?
Are you my love that
I have been patiently waiting for?
祝朋友们好运! ^_^.....哈....