前房主是伊朗人,他们厨房的储藏室放了很多味道很激烈的调料,所以储藏室的味道不好闻。其实中国人的厨房,时间久了不通风的话也会有味道。以前一个宣传 XX 功的小姑娘到我工作的店里向我讲“真理”,她一靠近我我就没有办法呼吸。其实也不见得是她这个人不讲卫生,可能是在封闭房间住久了,衣服什么的都染上了味道,去都去不掉。她走后我要狂喷空气清新剂才行。
I have liquid soap too. But someone doesn't like it for shower!
onyourside 发表评论于
I have few relatives live in your city. I remember one year on April fools' day, they had a dump of snow and sent photos to me to prove it. heheheh..
onyourside 发表评论于
--- you are right. that type of fan has lots of static pressure drop. max. what you can get is 150-170 cfm. but it is better than a fan produce 350 cfm with dual duct, hehehe...
what do I do with 肥皂残液? I use a bottled shower gel or similar. 我听说瓶装液体类较卫生点, 用多少, 泵多少.细菌不容易繁殖.
Could you turn-on the rangehood exhaust fan for your cooking? I offten light-up scented oil urn to get rid of the smell too.
汉代蜜瓜 发表评论于
For the soap saver, I think small towel is OK. But man is always headache. What ever you prepare for him, he never take it in mind, Just do the thing in his way and get everything in mess.
空气清新剂 is fine. Now the smell gets better. I rarely use it.