上校和N的一个重大区别在于,上校的爱情火辣炙烈,仿佛能够将人一次烧尽,正如小草所感受到的“too good to be true",换了任何一个人,都会担心自己是否在做梦,这样火热的爱情,是否燃烧得太快,还能够燃烧多久?更何况上校一边对小草信誓旦旦爱到如火如荼,另一边又对另一个素未谋面的女人同样是激情似火。让人不得不怀疑,上校是否是激情型男人,激情过后,能够守得住平淡的日子吗? 而N则是平淡如水,却可以细水长流。做夫妻和做朋友一样,君子之交淡若水,才会让人觉得更有信心长相厮守。
Desire + Security Needs are not equal to love; may feel very close to love or being loved. We can tell for sure the two share great sex. That’s beyond anything else a man and a woman can hope for. Dating experience is a good thing for "Little Grass".
If you are financially secure, you won't so easily fall for any of these men. Some vulnerability might be a good thing for woman in the dating scene.
The philosophical question is if it is good to know more. Reality is your perception or perception is reality. Only the brave souls who have confidence on themselves are willing to learn more. To seek truth sometimes is too heavy a burden. Love, family, friends, politics, ... and so on.