《每日一句汉译英》一周汇总 (22) -- YuGong

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FacebookInc. late Wednesday significantly expanded the external servicesavailable on the social site, adding dozens of tools including cookingand fashion applications.


Learningto know when to fold 'em is essential for your well-being, andultimately for your personal and professional success, too.


Whenyou can give up on a goal that isn't working, you'll be freeing up thevaluable resources you need to make the most of the goals you do pursuethe ones really worth pursuing.

由克里斯蒂安•贝尔(Christian Bale)担纲主演、以1937年日本野蛮入侵南京为题材的中国影片《金陵十三钗》未能入围今年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖的初选名单。此前,对这部电影的宣传一直声势浩大。

'TheFlowers of War' , the heavily promoted Chinese movie about Japan'sbrutal occupation of Nanjing in 1937 starring Christian Bale, failed tomake the short list of films competing for this year's bestforeign-language film at the Academy Awards.


Witha budget of nearly US$100 million, 'Flowers' is the most expensive filmever produced in China and was the country's best hope for an AcademyAward this year, although it could still be nominated in othercategories.


Gettingup from your desk to go and speak to your colleagues – instead ofemailing them – reduces the risk of heart attacks, research shows.
