2010年初春3月,我收到法院作为陪审员的候选人通知,日期定于6月7日。上面写道:"Your name has been selected in the manner provideed by ...law, and your are hereby summoned as a prospective trial juror. Trial by jury is a right guaranted by the United States and ...constitutions, and it is the duty of every citizen to serve when called. Upon receipt of your summons, you must call ----- to confirm your scheduled date. To reschedule or obtain authroization to be excused from service, please call at least 5 business days before your reporting date, or go online 5 business days before your reporting date at....."
通知上还写道:“Please call......after 6:00P.M. the day before you are scheduled to report, to verify your report date and time. Listen for your badge number. ” 6月6日晚上6点后,我就按照通知所说,打电话确定了我的到庭日期等,日期没有改变,定于6月7日。
当我们坐好后,法官和蔼地问我们:“Are you all exiceted to be here?" 我立即回答:“Yes.” 候选开始了,法官对50个候选人一一开始提问:“What is your job? Are you married? If so, what is your husband/wife's job? Do you have any kids? How many? Do you have any relatives working in the court or law enforcment? Do you have any personal probems preventing you from severing the jury duty. ”候选人一一回复了法官的问题。
第一轮的筛选中,有30人留下来了。辩护律师简单地阐述了案情,这是一个18岁的男孩被指控强奸一个13岁女孩的案件。陈述完毕后,公诉律师开始一一询问候选人了。公诉律师第一个问我:“Why are you excieted to be here ?" 我答道:" I want to experience how court system works." 公诉律师问完了所有的候选人后,最后,双方律师商定,由法官宣布了名单,一共13人,3位女性,10位男性。
法官让大家稍为休息片刻后,就宣布正式开庭了。案件的经过大致如此,18岁的男孩和13岁女孩是一条街上的邻居,他们曾经是朋友,女孩虽然只有13岁,可看去比她实际的年龄大。女孩在证人席上说,她和男孩的关系是"friends with benefits. " 他们常在一起玩,一天晚上,女孩和几个朋友又来到男孩家,聊天到深夜。随后,他们开车买酒,男孩买了一种酒,让女孩喝,把女孩灌醉了,女孩迷糊地随男孩返回了男孩的房间,神智不清的躺在男孩的床上,不该发生的事情发生了。
当我们返回法庭,在陪审席位上坐下后,法官问:“Have you reached the verdict? " 我们回答:“Yes." 陪审长宣布了Guilty的裁决。这个18岁的男孩以后一生就背上"Sex Offender“的十字架,他从监狱出来后,他必须在他居住的州,按照法律,去登记注册为"Sex Offender。我的心情也被这沉重的裁决给影响了,法律是无情的。