"Roland, did you wash your hair?" 7岁的儿子刚洗完澡出来。由于他总是忘记洗头,当妈的我总要关心这么一句。
"Yes!" Roland 不假思索地回答。
由于这个儿子有不用洗发水的前科,于是老妈不放心地追问:"Did you use shampoo?"
"Yes!, I also used conditioner this time!" 这次儿子语带骄傲。
"Oh, good boy!" 老妈终于放下心来,由衷地表扬一下。
期待着妈妈更多的赞美,儿子自豪地provided more details:"I put conditioner all over my body."
比老三大两岁的老二这时忍不住笑:"Why do you put conditioner on your body? It's for your hair!"
"For my hair? What does it do to my hair, Mom?" Roland 疑惑又有点尴尬地问。"I thought my skin is rough, I want it to be smooth."
我一想,都是我这个当妈的疏忽,只要求他们用这个,用那个,却从来没告诉他们为什么:"Conditioner provides nutrients for your hair. So your hair will grow strong and heathy."
我话音未落,Roland变色惊呼: "OH! NO! MY BODY HAIR!!!"