回复 'blush?' 的评论 : You are welcome! However, I am not sure if boycotting Visa and McDonald's will make any difference. I think it is more important to educate ourselves, so we don't blindly follow the so-called main stream mass media's marching tune without questioning them. We need to train ourselves to be critical thinkers, so we will not be herded like sheep without ability to think for ourselves.
Bailarin 发表评论于
请大家尽量保持文明风度,用自己的审理观来看这篇文章,原作者是Mr. Tony Cartalucci, Global Research. 他说的对不对,您自己决定,但是要尊重他的言论自由。这是民主的最基本要求。不遵重别人的评语将被删除。请互相尊重,谢谢。
走向文明 发表评论于
灜客 发表评论于
白熊from北京 发表评论于
回复 'Etornado' 的评论 : 说的幽默,有理!
Wiserman 发表评论于
bobo197 发表评论于
blush? 发表评论于
Thanks. Interesting read. Maybe I should stop using VISA and MacDonald.