Chinese gay man ? Do you know how many Americans are gay and child sex offenders ? I can give you a link and you can search how many child sex offenders live near your. Haven't you heard of American gay and Lesbian marriage ?
iamhereforfun2 发表评论于
回复 'florence001' 的评论 :
It seems you always focus on some negative part of Chinese. Why don't you just say "I don't like Chinese at all. I would rather marry an American homeless man than a Chinese !"
liu-fu 发表评论于
goodbye 发表评论于
florence001 发表评论于
顶老丁!!well written. i do not watch chinese new year's show, read you post , I feel like i saw the show.
i do not like those gay man pretend to be streight, cross dressing , drag queen in the chinese new year show. i am glad this year , those people are out of our sight.