Numerology hints partial trend of words by comparison of keys, not for copying mechanically in disregard of specific conditions 生搬硬套; not for complete tagging or labeling 貼標籤; There are other connections exist, like 4 tones, structures, etc. which are combined to present a more all-round picture.
We can use numerology to analyze more details than by 4 tones, obviously, such as: hint h8 暗示 ai 10 , imply pl 10 意味 iei23, insinuate n5 影射 ie14, we see "strong suggest" of "imply" by the first glance of higher valued pl10; while insinuate( iiuae=27 旁敲側擊 aiaoei=31)contains more vowels than in i9 in hint 暗示 ai10, we may also hear the sound of 擊 than "soundless" 暗.
Paired association learning for word play : single > sing, 選出 xuanchu xch 17> ch 11 in 唱 chang. See anyone can sing, but to be singled out needs higher value, although this is not exactly these letters -"meanings", atleast it does no harm for brain exercise.
These indications started for paving a way to use suggestive, quantitative word analysis.