凡是MSM报道的都是 obvious Truth
比如 It's obvious 希拉里95%可能当选总统。
比如 It's obvious 法官K性侵了Dr.Ford女士,即使她自己都不知道什么时间,什么地方, 谁送她来回。
中文可以翻译成 看起来很像真的。
I swear that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the obvious truth, the whole obvious truth and nothing but the obvious truth
[I swear that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the obvious truth, the whole obvious truth and nothing but the obvious truth. 是不是很有喜感?]
你的obvious truth,就是参议院的听证会,和MSM报道的同等一个级别的。在MSM要是真的撒了一个谎,过后只需要道歉一声就够了。在听证会上要是撒谎,你知道是什么性质的问题吗?Perjury知道是啥中文的意思吗?