· Change the way we measure the economy, from GDP and the stock market to a more inclusive set of measurements that ensures humans are thriving, not barely making it by. New measurements like Median Income and Standard of Living, Health-adjusted Life Expectancy, Mental Health, Childhood Success Rates, Social and Economic Mobility, Absence of Substance Abuse, and other measurements will give us a much clearer and more powerful sense of how we are doing both individually and as a society.
· Rein in corporate excesses by appointing regulators who are paid a lot of money – competitive with senior jobs in the private sector – but then will be prohibited from going to private industry afterward. Regulators need to be focused on making the right decisions and policies for the public with zero concern for their next position.
· The government’s goal should be to drive individuals and organizations to find new ways to improve the standards of living of individuals and families on these dimensions. In order to spur development, the government should issue a new currency – the Digital Social Credit – which can be converted into dollars and used to reward people and organizations who drive significant social value. This new currency would allow people to measure the amount of good that they have done through various programs and actions.
2020 candidate Andrew Yang promises to legalize marijuana and pardon all non-violent drug offenders on 4/20 if he’s elected
“I would legalize marijuana and then I would pardon everyone who’s in jail for a nonviolent drug-related offense,” Yang said on Wednesday. “I would pardon them on April 20, 2021 and I would high-five them on the way out of jail.”
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Wtp003 发表评论于
回复 'lingzi68' 的评论 :
有link吗?若属实确实令人失望。大麻是否合法化是另一个问题(especially medical 大麻应用),这里的关键是罪犯就是当时犯了罪违反了法律,有什么可欢呼的?
IMO 城外Andrew Yang getting popular 城内有些有关他的讨论也是有益的事。