My Dream about Kobe Bryant and Slam Dunk
by Limin Wang
Oct. 12, 2020, Mon
I had a dream about basketball and Kobe Bryant, moments after I learned Dwright Howard was going to participate this year's slam dunk contest, but several days before I knew the news Kobe died in his helicopter crash on Jan. 26, 2020. The dream was short: There are about five basketballs in a shallow net over the lower right corner of the board, and Kobe is rocketing straight up in the air, to grab a basketball from the shallow net and then to dunk it to the hoop. The dunk rule is to hang momentarily on and bounce directly from the hoop to grap and dunk the rest basketballs from the shallow net to the hoop one by one. Kobe was only rocketing straight-up in the air, and had not dunked even his first yet, and then that moment I woke up.