
2020美国大选的开票,没有所谓的“蓝色浪潮”,但是爱美国的公民们,极度担心民主党控制的州或城市的各种开票暗潮:开票过程有很多疑点!主流媒体对拜登的各种呵护,一看就是不正常的。正常情况,主流媒体应该监督俩党(不光光是执政党)。大家如果想排除疑点,支持川普的诉讼,请给最高法院写邮件! 当初peter liang 取得胜利不是因为游行(媒体很少报道), 不是因为白宫请愿(没人理),是因为给法官寄了好多签名信. 法官在最后决定申明中提到他收到thousands of letter from the community. 所以写邮件有用, 也请多转发link。  两分钟的事,举手之劳,但对美国的民主至关重要: 透明公正的选举,才能让灯塔之国赢得世界的尊重。



Subject: 2020 election needs a full investigation in swing states
Comment: I am a registered voter, and I voted for ....... After the election night, a lot of election frauds/issues in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Georgia,  have emerged in the past several days. Unfortunately, these frauds/issues are swept under the rug by local/state governments and various media. I support the motion to have a full investigation in these swing states to make sure the election results are fair and transparent to the entire world. Please take action.

Thank you.

luckyyycat 发表评论于
可人儿真美 发表评论于
博主说的好。现在最重要的就是要支持 川普。让他知道美国人和他一起战斗