Milley never told me about calls being made to China. From what I understand, he didn’t tell too many other people either. He put our Country in a very dangerous position but President Xi knows better, and would’ve called me. The way Milley and the Biden Administration handled the Afghanistan withdrawal, perhaps the most embarrassing moment in our Country’s history, would not exactly instill fear in China. Milley is a complete nutjob! The only reason Biden will not fire or court-martial Milley is because he doesn’t want him spilling the dirty secrets on Biden’s deadly disaster in Afghanistan.
这个黑体部分就有意思了。习大大如果知道的话(Miley这样做对国家危险),会跟他打电话。这个就暗示习大大第一,会在军事上与老头沟通;第二,没有告知老头这个电话的事件,那么要么习大大因为某种原因没通报,要么就压根不知道。而且似乎后者是老头暗示的原因。那么好吧, 习大大为啥突然又提一批上将又在军队搞人事任免?是不是有些呼应的味道?看来习大大离全面掌控军队还有距离。