Inflation powered bull market:

三十功名降与升 八万里路熊和牛 秦时明烛汉时图 趋势美眉潜入梦 会有乘波驾浪时 云帆一挂济沧海 Work, Fortune, Future......
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The logic of hiking commodities and gold price: Double deficits continue, inflation is looming, US dollar keeps weak, Treasury bill/bond prices are dropping, and FEB is anticipated to continue raising primary interest. If you are a prudent wise investor, what is the best way to struggle out this situation? For domestic investors: Moving out Treasury bill/bond and buy commodities. For foreign investors: Selling Treasury bill/bond and buy assets in strong currency counties. If you were the head of some country central bank: Unloading Treasury bill/bond and buy gold!
