第713天 嘴巴痛得厉害了(住院第十天)

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兔猫 发表评论于
Dear Eliza, haven't heard this wash formula before. I've written down it and will ask doctors here tomorrow. Thanks a lot for your support!!!
Eliza 发表评论于
It is ELiza again. Is Magic Mouth Wash available over there? We usually give it our patients once they start to have symptoms of mucositis. The most common formula is Benadryl:locaine:Nystatin:Maalox in 1:1:1:1 ratio (can omit maalox and or nystatin). Direction: swish and spit or swish and swallow every 2 hours or as needed. Most patients also require iv pain meds which are usually delivered through a PCA pump. I suck at typing chinese. If you prefer, we could communicate through phone. I just sent u a 悄悄话. Cheers!