Why are the statistics in Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7 different?

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Why are the statistics in Ezra 2 and
Nehemiah 7 different?
Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7

     Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7 are listings of numbered people from different families.  The chapters represent the statistics of the same families.  But they are not identicle.  I have produced a grid below that lists the families that do not match.  If you would like to see the grid comparing all families in Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7, go here
     Of 39 entries (verses), 17 do not match.  They are listed below.

Ezra 2Nehemiah 7


5 the sons of Arah, 77510 the sons of Arah, 652123
6 the sons of Pahath-moab of the
   sons of Jeshua and Joab, 2,812
11 the sons of Pahath-moab of the
    sons of Jeshua and Joab, 2,818
8 the sons of Zattu, 94513 the sons of Zattu, 845100
10 the sons of Bani, 64215 the sons of Binnui, 6486
11 the sons of Bebai, 62316 the sons of Bebai, 6285
12 the sons of Azgad, 1,22217 the sons of Azgad, 2,3221,100
13 the sons of Adonikam, 66618 the sons of Adonikam, 6671
14 the sons of Bigvai, 2,05619 the sons of Bigvai, 2,06711
15 the sons of Adin, 45420 the sons of Adin, 655201
17 the sons of Bezai, 32323 the sons of Bezai, 3241
28 the men of Bethel and Ai, 22332 the men of Bethel and Ai, 123100
33 the sons of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, 
37 the sons of Lod, Hadid, and Ono,
35 the sons of Senaah, 3,630.38 the sons of Senaah, 3,930.300
41 The singers: the sons of Asaph,
44 The singers: the sons of Asaph,
42 The sons of the gatekeepers: the
    sons of Shallum, the sons of Ater,
    the sons of Talmon, the sons of
    Akkub, the sons of Hatita, the
    sons of Shobai, in all 139
45 The gatekeepers: the sons of
    Shallum, the sons of Ater, the
    sons of Talmon, the sons of
    Akkub, the sons of Hatita, the
    sons of Shobai, 138
59 and 60 list several names with
    one total of 652
61 and 62 list numerous names
    with one total of 642
65 besides their male and female
    servants, who numbered 7,337;
    and they had 200 singing men
    and women.
67 besides their male and their
    female servants, of whom there
7,337; and they had 245
    male and female singers.
17 discrepancies   

      It is obvious from the above table, that there were many statistical differences between Ezra and Nehemiah.  Though most of them are identical, some do not match.  Why?  The answer is simple. 
     Ezra was written no later than 450 B.C.1  Nehemiah should be dated during the reign of Artexerxes 1 (464-423 B.C.).2  According to the book, "Talk Thru the Bible," Ezra was written about 538-516 B.C.3 where Nehemiah was written around 444-425 B.C.4 Therefore, the dates of writing are different and the statistical differences can easily be accounted for by considering that during the difference of years, people died, families grew, etc. 
     I must note that there is a small percentage of copyist errors in numbers throughout the Hebrew Scriptures.  It is certainly possible that some of the numbers differ due to copyist mistakes.  Nevertheless, the difference in dates of writing can certainly account for the difference in numbers.

1.  Harrison, R. K., Introduction to the Old Testament, (Grand Rapids, Michigan:  Eerdmans Publishing Company) 1969, page 1143.
2.  Harrison, R. K. page 1146.
3.  Wilkinson, Bruce and Boa, Kenneth, Talk Thru the Bible, (New York:  Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1983, page 116
4.  Wilkinson, Bruce and Boa, Kenneth, page 123.

