词汇学习(5): 清除余毒

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noxious还有另外几个同义近义词,这篇在说四个,他们分别是:  pernicious, baneful, deleterious, detrimental

pernicious的词义是指某种"不可修复的损害",并且这种损害往往是通过一些"恶毒但又有诱惑力"的途径来达成的。用英文说就是: the harm is done through a way that is evil but insidious, harmful but enticing, corrupting but seducing.  类似中文"美女蛇"的效能。比如说, The pornography has a pernicious effect on society。色情是腐蚀人类心灵的祸害,但不少人还是会挡不住那诱惑。当今的中国,以身试戒"谜途"不返的大有人在。pernicious来自拉丁词perniciosius,带有"破坏或暴力致死"的意思。

baneful一词指因毒害而造成的伤害与破坏。上篇已提过,banepoisondeath,另一意是伤害或废墟的成因。如有人要害你置你于死地,你可以叫喊:  Stop the way of those who seek my bane。如你讨厌了某位异性在跟前晃悠,甚至视她/他为你生命的毒药,你或许会抱怨:  The existence of her/his being around is the bane of my life。我们常说美国人不了解中国,误解中国。其实中国一样误解美国,误解程度丝毫不差。比如很多中国人误认为美国人不守纪律,以为美国人追求创造性,而纪律会压制创造性,故老美取前者而舍后者。不然!  从学校到社会,老美不仅讲究纪律,而且认为"纪律会压制创造性"是个有害的概念(baneful notion)。在美国有这样的说法:   it is believed by most that "discipline destroys creativity" is a baneful notionbane是名词,源于德文,他的反义词是boon,即something convivial

deleterious的用法一般是这样:  如果结果不仅仅是被怀疑有毒,而且被认定,我们就用deleterious。假如我们被告知某种食疗法或减肥餐对人有害,这本身就隐含着有害结果已被发现的事实。英文可以这样说: we have been told that it is a diet found to have deleterious effects。不过有害的结果业常常会以某种不易察觉的方式显现,如: Indulgence in drinking and drugs for over two entire years engendered too much of an effect that was deleterious to his healthdeleterious来自遥远的希腊。

detrimental往往意指某一特定有害行为或事件。如: Soon enough you will see the detrimental effects of excessive drinking。再有:  The pollution emitted by that chemical plant has already started to impose detrimental effect on the surrounding environment。该词来源不详。

: poisonous, damaging, harmful, hurting, 等等。他们都属常用词,大伙应该都没问题,我们也就不再赘述。
