藏独永无可能。US will not risk a nuke war for Tibet. Never.
除了藏青会,和无数热血,没人说藏独。For 藏青会, it may very well be a real ideology, but in my cynist eyes, it's likely some bargaining position or posture.
中央怎会不知?只是用藏独做个decoy, 转移一下国人视线。掩盖对3.10和平示威处理的粗鲁,对3.14暴乱处理的懦弱。
藏独是个排洪口,a kitchen sink.
无数热血 took the bait without any hesitation... after all, this is their time!
问一问支持”Free Tibet" 的人,有几个支持“Independent Tibet"的?
Free is more about liberty, about the right of expressing an opinion without being horrified about reprehension. Free of being treated as second class citizen... Free from political oppression.
That is a universal message.
For those who are too young, to really have memory of political oppression in China, my bet is that they are hitting a wall now.