what is the true measure of a woman?
Long version:
- Put God first; bring God into every day life; trust God; put myself into his mighty hands; being my best to please him and honor him
- Being myself; apply God's grace, mercy and peace to my daily life; love God heartily; love myself geniuely; love others aggressively; always believe that success, happniess, honiness, health, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, self-control all belong to me through Jesus Christ. Nothing can separate his love from me. I'm guided by Holy Spirit. I know each turn on the road. I'm head to devine destern. I'm enjoying and embracing the glorious presence of Almighty God. I'm content with what I have and I'm gratitude who I am.
- Build up others. Pray for everyone in my personal world. breathe goodwill to them. forgive them quickly with the mercy I received from God. Give my hands quickly in their needs; Celebrate their success as my own; Weep with them for their hurts, failures, or weaknesses; Respect each one since we are all made in the image of God.
- Unfailing love
- Unshakable faith
- Clean conscience