Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club -- The more you learn,



Secret Millionaires Club 的主角正是被誉为“奥马哈先知”的巴菲特。在片中,巴菲特戴着漂亮的眼镜、一头卷曲的灰白头发的卡通形象,向一群小朋友传授投资建议。而且,他还不吝为动画片作具有“股神”精神特质的配音。


 哈哈,有The Buffett Bucks Portfolio和其它的游戏。。

The best investment you can make is investing in yourself.
The more you learn, the more you learned.


“Peter Buffett has given us a wise and inspiring book that should be required reading for every young person seeking to find his or her place in the world, and for every family hoping to give its daughters and sons the best possible start in life.”
–President Bill Clinton
