Blossom/ 爱到春潮滚滚来 (18+, 慎入)
A school of little fish/一江小鱼
Bare your soul, bare your body 露湿衣,风褪裙
Your scent in the wind makes me horny 碧天凉月春意浓
Innocent eyes and sweet tongue 迷离媚眼,丁香腻舌
Lost in your highest mountain and deepest valley 谷幽酥峰耸
Whisper dirty words to your ears gently touch your thigh 温柔语,撩拨手
Your nipples become hard like two cherries on a pie 玉体雪肌樱桃红
Itching like ants crawl inside 虫咬蚁行,销魂断肠
Your peach so juicy and wet you can’t hide 嫩蕊花露淌
Throbbing inside the warm pie and rubbing the G spot 骤急雨,打花心
Aloft in the air is what you got 身似风中柳絮轻
Feel itchy feel satisfied 丝丝发麻,阵阵生酥
Lovemaking can be so hot 云雨两情纵
You moan and you scream 莺呖呖, 燕喃喃
Like Eve taste the forbidden fruit with Adam 好似君瑞遇莺娘
Twisted curvy body ready for the orgasm 一捻腰肢,几缕柔情
You finally come like beautiful flower, blossom 爱到春潮滚滚来
中文的比较含蓄, 不需要解释。
茶哥这两天见人说话都要求有韵,所以英文版虽然相对露骨些。但每一段都有韵:第一段是“y”,body, horny 和valley。第二段是“i”,thigh, pie, inside 和hide。第三段是“o”,spot, got 和hot。第四段是“m”,scream, Adam,orgasm 和blossom。四个字母加起来就是“1,呕吗?”