说来你可能惊讶。我特别喜欢看她吃东西。她总是能吃得尽情尽兴,没有丝毫矫揉造作。之前,在《请你原谅我》中,她大口大口吃面大快朵颐啃烤鸡都很好看。吃相谈不上有多优雅,但符合剧中人物个性。这次,她和吴秀波一起吃东西的几场戏也很带劲,无论是吃葡萄还是吃西瓜亦或是吃饭,她都是真的work on it!吃得投入吃得满足吃得享受。不像有些演员,把食物当道具当场景,特假,没法看。
"crying is just one way to release pressure. There are many alternatives you can use to ease your stress. Finding the one that fits you best is the key to maintaining a stable, confident and healthy psychological state." ---- 与您共勉
Welcome back, I am very delighted to see you to return without losing any of your usual fine touch.
BTW, please don’t cry at bed time too much and too often just in case your dedicated and devoted “fisherman” like any healthy man out there could be dispirited a little.:)