Spring is a very pleasant time in California. May is for Mary, May is for Mothers. The fresh spring wind is soothing like Mother's hand touching your face. The tender spring flowers shine under the sun. Let's go enjoy what the nature has to offer~~~~
I was very excited to put together this YouTube video. It is my first piece. First I put about 15 photos in a folder in my computer, with "windows live" software, the photos started to play a slide show, then I added a music file from the pc, saved the file, and uploaded it to both flickr and YouTube. It was easy to use, try it yourself if you are instereted(^.^)
我选了大约15张图放在一个my photos folder里,点第一个图看到上面有slide show,机器自带的window live软件就开始自动播,还自动把静止的照片造出录像机推移的效果,再添加一个音乐file,加几个字,这些都在软件那里有选项,还可以选一个“fit to audio"把照片放得慢些和音乐一起结束。这是我做的第一个油管,有兴趣你也试试吧。
京燕花园 发表评论于
亲爱的叶子姐姐,太巧了和您一起在网上,好像和你心有灵犀,看到每个人都在忙碌,今天刚去听了喜欢的一首歌儿“circle of friend”,就看到叶子姐姐说起,我们这一圈朋友大家围坐一起品茶谈天~~~
还有飘姐姐你上次说的已经发了的博文怎么办,自己博客那儿如果打开只有code,就把code全拷下来,带到论坛那里在html源代码状况下打开,点“所见所得”那儿,编辑好了全部点亮带回自己博客,在此之前先把博客里原有的内容清零,只要把在论坛全部贴子带回来就好(点亮select all, 点copy拷贝,回博客paste粘贴,免得你不想仔细看code再回去删原有的。都整好了再去删论坛测试贴。当然了你也可以用这个办法在自己博客新开一个文进行编辑,不发表,只能改一次。我看还是论坛版面不变比较好整。