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S爱吃牛排,说是全纽约的知名的牛排都已吃遍了。我也跟着吃了几家,好吃是好吃,但达不到他的狂热程度,还是喜欢中国牛肉的做法。以前也尝试过炖牛肉,但一直不是很满意,牛肉很柴。Facetime 老妈,老妈说是牛肉不能太瘦,要连筋带肥... ... 美国的超市很难找这样的肉,尝试了很多种不同部位的牛肉 Chunk, short ribs... ...最近,终于知道了是Shank!!! 不是每天都有的买。做了几遍,搭配米饭和面条都很不错-牛肉的选择是关键!S喜欢这牛肉和土豆一起做,我更喜欢和萝卜一起炖-不油腻。


3 tbsps  橄榄油( 其他的植物油都可以)
2 lbs beef shank( 牛腿)去骨切块
6 片生姜
6 瓣大蒜(拍扁)
3 红尖椒( 或适量的红辣椒flakes)
2 个土豆 去皮切块
2 tbsps 糖
1 tbsp 豆瓣酱( 或chili bean sauce)
1 杯料酒
1 tbsp黑胡椒( 如果用四川的黑胡椒会更好)
3 个八角
5~6 片月桂叶(bay leaf)
1/4 cup 老抽
1/2 杯生抽
2 1/2 qts 热水
1 根葱( 切碎)
少量香菜( 切碎)


1. 将锅加热,放入一勺油,待油热后,将牛肉均匀的排列在锅底,不要挪动牛肉,将其煎成金黄色,大约要3~4分钟。翻边。同样煎焦黄。将牛肉取出置于大盘,待用。

2. 在同一锅内加一勺油,将姜,蒜和辣椒翻炒出香味- 大约30秒。将土豆块放入锅内翻炒大约一分钟;加入糖, 大约翻炒30秒,至糖融化。 加入豆瓣酱,翻炒至小沸。

3. 将牛肉加入锅内一起翻炒至颜色均匀,加入料酒,将粘在锅底的东西都铲松。加入八角,月桂叶,黑胡椒,老抽,生抽,和沸水。待到锅再次沸腾后,改小火,加盖,煮大约2个小时。撒上青葱和香菜就可以了食用了。

lorde - team

Wait 'til you're announced
We've not yet lost all our graces
The hounds will stay in chains
Look upon Your Greatness and she'll send the call out
Send the call out
Call all the ladies out
They're in their finery
A hundred jewels on throats
A hundred jewels between teeth
Now bring my boys in
Their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a brother
While he glows through the room
Dancing around the lies we tell
Dancing around big eyes as well, ah
Even the comatose
They don't dance and tell

We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of the palace within my dreams
And you know we're on each other's team
I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air
So there
So all the cups got broke
Shards beneath our feet
But it wasn't my fault
And everyone's competing
For a love they won't receive
'Cause what this palace wants is release

We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of the palace within my dreams
And you know we're on each other's team
I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air
So there
I'm kind of older than I was when I reveled without a care
So there

We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of the palace within my dreams
And you know we're on each other's team
We're on each other's team
And you know we're on each other's team
We're on each other's team
And you know and you know and you know

一生似浮云 发表评论于
回复 'Rosadon' 的评论 : 歌手是new zealand 的lorde, 歌名是team.
Rosadon 发表评论于
jiurishanren 发表评论于
一生似浮云 发表评论于
回复 'BeijingGirl1' 的评论 : 土豆炖烂才好吃。没有觉得太烂。
BeijingGirl1 发表评论于
土豆煮那么久, 不会太烂吗?
一生似浮云 发表评论于
回复 'tern2' 的评论 : 那我跟桐儿的狮子头互换:)
tern2 发表评论于
一生似浮云 发表评论于
回复 '晨曦之雾' 的评论 : 谢谢来访!
一生似浮云 发表评论于
回复 '落英如雪' 的评论 : 我想任何的豆瓣酱都可以吧。我用的是磨原豉 ground bean sauce。四川豆瓣酱可能更好。
晨曦之雾 发表评论于
哇 口水ing 周末试试 谢谢分享!
落英如雪 发表评论于
myuz 发表评论于
一生似浮云 发表评论于
回复 '南山松' 的评论 : 松松新周快乐!
南山松 发表评论于