Raoul Pal说是曾主管冲击基金GLG的Global Macro分块,因本事过人,2004年36岁就功成身退,享福去了。现在又决定出山创业,给无数懵懵懂懂的股民指点指点如何发财。
“The economy is subject to ebbs and flows of business, usually driven by the credit, inventory and investment cycles. It is these cycles that have caused booms and busts for thousands of years.”
“The framework is simple - no complex theoretical models or massive spreadsheets.”
“The framework is simple - no complex theoretical models or massive spreadsheets.”
在美国Raoul Pal说体现商业周期最关键的经济指数是美国的“企业采购主管指数”(即PMI,采购经理人指数,全称Purchasing Manager Index),尽管这有个国际标准,美国自己有一套,叫ISM指数,由Institute of Supply Management统计,因此而名。这是Raoul Pal众多图标中的一幅:

Raoul Pal收费也不高,每年$120,呵呵。
《证券时报 作者:孙勇》一句被误读的巴菲特格言:别人贪婪时恐惧 恐惧时贪婪