Nature and Grace
节选,译自[模仿基督] [the imitation of Christ],作者 Author: Thomas a Kempis, 出版于1940 年。
Pay careful attention to the movements of nature and grace, for they move in very contrary and subtle ways, and can scarcely be distinguished by anyone except a man who is spiritual and inwardly enlightened.
NATURE 人的自然本性 (简称人性)
all men desire and strive for what is good in their words and deeds. For this reason, the appearance of GOOD deceives many.
nature is crafty and attracts many, ensnaring and deceiving them while ever seeking itself.
nature is not willing to die, or to be kept down, or to be overcome. it desires to rule over others, wishes to use its own liberty, and hates to be held under discipline.
nature works for its own interest and looks to the profit it can reap from another.
nature fears shame and contempt.
nature loves ease and physical rest.
nature seeks to possess what is rare and beautiful, abhorring things that are cheap and coarse.
nature has regard for temporal wealth and rejoices in earthly gains. it is sad over a loss and irritated by a slight, injurious word.
nature is covetous and receives more willingly than it gives. it loves to have its own private possessions.
nature is inclined toward creatures, toward its own flesh, toward vanities, toward running about.
nature likes to have external comfort and take sensential delight.
nature does everything for its own gain and interest. it can do nothing without pay and hopes for its good deeds to receive else praise and favor. it is very desirous of having its deeds and gifts highly regarded.
人性所做的一切都是为了自己的兴趣和利益。当既没有报酬,也无希望为它的善行得到他人的赞扬和青睐, 那它就彻底的无能为力了。它非常希望其行为和才能得到高度重视。
nature rejoices in many friends and kinsfolk, glories in noble position and birth, fawns on the powerful, flatters the rich, applauds those who are like itself.
nature is quick to complain of need and trouble.
nature turns all things back to itself. it fights and argues for self. it prefers its own opinion to the opinion of others. it is arrogant or presumptuous, and contentious.
nature has a relish for knowing secrets and hearing news. it wishes to appear abroad and to have many sense experiences. it wishes to be known and to do things for which it will be praised and admired.
人的自然本性,是与生俱来的本性,有严重的罪性,是腐败的,其结局是死亡。人的痛苦和世界的动乱,都是因为人本性的问题。与nature 去抗争,赢不了它。对有些本性,应该尊重它。比如,它害怕羞辱,我们就应该保护人的隐私;它喜好安逸,我们就不该用社会福利养着有能力劳动的人,而是提供工作;它会悲伤于物资的损失,我们就必须买卖公平,不许欺骗,并有私人财产保护法;没有报酬,它就彻底的无力,所以不能吃‘大锅饭’,那样,会集体饿死;没有赞扬,它也无力,所以,雷锋叔叔做好事写日记是完全符合人性的;它高兴有许多朋友和亲戚,因此,人爱扎堆,也会常常开party。冠状病毒隔离在家是孤寂的,有人已进入抑郁,都理解;它赞同与自己相似的人,所以物以类聚,人以群分;它喜欢使身体获得舒适感,所以按摩店就遍地开花;它爱抱怨,那各种申诉渠道都是有的;它会被一个轻微而有害的词激怒,所以我们讲话要额外小心,更重要的是在心里实实在在的有尊重他人的心,只要是人,无论高低,无论内外,都该极用心的去尊重。能做好这一点,家庭世界都会和平美好;它喜好争议,又只爱自己的观点,还傲慢,因此,要小心谨慎新闻评论。观点不强的人也当不了记者,个个还都爱自己的观点,再傲慢一下,媒体轰轰。也要切记,在与配偶吵架时,不要上心,更无须生气,怪它(人性)就好。很迫切,人人需要学习谦卑。 当你学着将不如意的事都怪在它时,心平浪静,延年益寿。制定律法的大人们请千万,一定,要懂透它 — 人的自然本性,才有可能富国强民。
历史上的伟人不少,最后的结局?死!且死在黑洞里。不认识神的人,死时都很痛苦。在世上成就越大的,痛苦越大。人自己根本不可能战胜自己,无论你如何拼命努力。就如同一个孩子掉在深深的黑洞里,必须有一个比孩子大的力量救他出来。世人就是那个掉在黑洞里的孩子。恩典就是救我们出黑洞的力量 - 神给人的最珍贵的礼物。
下续 - 恩典(二)