Exercise 4

If you want to improve your English abilities, especially writing skills, let's work together!
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2005年6月12日13:46 寄托天下









  那么,他到底还要些什么呢?生活里到底还有些什么比“面朝黄土背朝天,老婆孩子热炕头”更伟大更性.感更美丽呢?更大的房子?他现在的房子已经大得可以闹鬼了。 更正宗的夫妻.肺.片?说实话,出国这么多年,他已经对辣的不那么感冒了。更多的工资?那是当然,不过他下次涨工资的日子其实也不远了……








  对“复.杂”的向往,让我暗暗希望,自己能过一辈子东跑西窜、颠沛流离的生活。这个愿望,使我觉得,自己是多么贪婪的一个人。贪图安稳,又贪恋刺激,有了Mr. China,还要Mr. USA。不,回不回国,不仅仅是一个“创业”的问题,甚至不仅仅是一个“文化”的问题,如果说这种贪婪是一种“犯.贱”的话,我坚持要把它推卸到“娜拉的悲剧”这个哲学命题上去:


GuoLuke2 发表评论于
Dilemma in the United States: Go back or not?
Once you've been in the United States for a long period of time, you'll find that almost every Chinese you met was a Sister-in-law Xianling. They repeatedly ask themselves day and night without stopping the same question: Have you thought about going back to China in the near future? Have you? Have you?...
Go back or not? This is a multidimensional math problem that sometimes seems entirely beyond us.

Not many years ago, all these are natural decisions: go abroad to obtain a degree, stay in the US to get a job after graduation, get married and buy a house. However, someday, all of a sudden, "The spring wind of market economy blows all over the mainland China". Those Chinese who were working in laboratories or company's small cubes without being noticed in the US, looked up someday and found on the other side of the pacific ocean, pear flowers are blooming all over the mainland already.
And "bad news" followed. People started to be informed that his former next-door neighbor had already been a senior manager of a big company in China; that low-level Dick had already changed his young female secretaries for half-a-dozen times.
And in a travel back to the motherland followed, he found the foods he was eating, the clothing he was wearing, the games he was playing, and the entertainment he was enjoying in the US all became nothing compared to what his friends were having in China. He also found, while he was apologizing to his department manager because of a small typo of some insignificant data, his old classmate, that Wang Er who was not as good as him and not even close to him in every respects, was sitting in some private luxury KTV room making cell-phone calls--"Regarding to the loan of that real estate project, there is still some space left for our discussing..."
He unavoidably found that all his spiritual live--if his rebelling character that could be traced to his early childhood had not been dried out by the US sunshine--was to perch in some Chinese BBS, grumbling some comments that certainly would be cleaned by the admin as garbage tomorrow. In the mean time, his friend John Doe had become famous as an "expert" according to the media in China and were giving speeches frequently here and there in those exciting discussions about the "reforms of the country-owned enterprises".

Sure, he does live in or will be able to live in a beautiful house. After so many years of diligent study at school and frightful journey of job-hunting, his "American Dream" has been realized. He bought a big house that has front yards covered with grass and a back yard planted with flowers and secured by fences. However, all in all, one day, when he was watering his flowers in his back yard, he suddenly felt that such a life was just the American version of a Chinese peasant's dream--"Facing the brown dirt and pointing his back to the sky, wife and children all resting on the heated bed" and that was what he laughed at.
Then, what does he want really? What else in life is greater, sexier, and prettier then the Chinese peasant's dream? A bigger house? His current house is bigger enough to be haunted by ghosts already. A more genuine dish of Couple Lung Slices? To be honest, after so many year abroad, he was not that interested in hot dishes anymore. More salary? That's for sure and the day of his next salary raise was not far away.
All in all, his heart hurts deeply inside, which has nothing to do with all these mentioned aspects of the "material life". What he cannot withstand is the "historical ending", is the sense of the end of such a life, is the time that was flying just slowed down, stopped, has nowhere to go, and just transformed into a tranquilized pool of water in his beautiful yard. Outside of the window, the grass is still green, so green as it ever was, so green as it ever could be, so green as if it has not changed in the past two decades, and almost as like--death.

How about the life back in China? Even though there is a lot of corruption, there is huge difference between the poor and the rich, there is too much homework for your children to do, there are numerous complaints for peasants to file, there are more and more unemployed workers, and it is heard that somebody working on the road was taken into custody and beaten to death, for ambitious youth like us, China is a big swirl and a mine with unlimited potential. Unsatisfied youths have so many resources to fight on, capitalized youths have so much wealth to be able to earn, and cultural youths have so many emotions to express—history is still far, far away from its end point and the future is still sitting covered by the red scarf to stretch his imagination. He can still run forward in his full speed, benefit from it, and in the mean time realize some sophisticated meaning.

If things are like this, why don't you go back? All these unsayable hurts can be cured with one single act -- go back.
At this time, he started to hesitate again. He started doubting his desire to go back. The beauty might be contributed by the distance. He started worrying that if he checks out his homeland really close, he may see the pocks and acnes on her face. "After all, to do business in China, relationships are indispensable. Because I don't have any relationships in China, going back won't do me any good." he said. "The U.S. is bad but at least it is a place that you can make a living with your capability and caliber. At least there is fairness in the U.S. and you don't have to suffer a lot without any valid reason." he continued.
The next, he thought of the scenes of people surrounding up suddenly and nobody will care to line up, the scenes of people spitting everywhere, and the contaminated environment. His head started to hurt. Thinking of the fact that those poor peasant workers work 12 hours a day and cannot get the salary they were promised to get, he could not repress a shiver. Thinking of those ordinary people suffered from fake medicine, fake spirit, and even fake milk powders, his stomach inevitably aches. The more he thinks, the more it aches. The more he thinks, the more he is frightened. At last, he inevitably reaches the sparkling high level of "civilization", "democracy", and "law".

Upon that he stuck there. One minute he thought of the spicy lives of John and Jane in China, and the next minute he thought of the stable lives of Jack and Jill in the U.S. As for the lives in China, he cannot see the upper limit and thus it is exciting. However, he cannot see the lower limit also, and this is where the danger is. As for the lives in the U.S., he can see the lower limit and thus feel safe. In the meantime, he can also see the upper limit and it makes him bored. The lives in China are like buying stocks whose prices can surge and can also slump while the lives in the U.S. are like depositing money in a savings account where your money cannot appreciate very much and cannot depreciate either. Ah, overseas students and scholars who has high education, high earnings, and high quality, are driven crazy to become a sister-in-law Xingling who talks to herself without stopping.
In the trip back to China, I was having dinner with several friends. One of them said: "Come back! China is so sophisticated…" Yes, "sophisticated", this is the word I was looking for. It is so accurate and precise. For a soul that has desires, "sophisticated" is such a basic need. In contrast, the pure and tranquilized sunshine of suburban Connecticut is such a famine for those who get used to causing troubles.

The desire toward "sophisticated" makes me wish silently to have a life of living here and there and making home everywhere. Such a wish makes me feel that I'm such a greedy person. Greed for security and greed for excitement in the meantime! I have Mr. China and want to have Mr. USA too. No, going back or not going back is not just a question of "starting a new business". It is not just a "cultural" question also. If such a greed is kind of "begging for disgrace", I insist to shift it to the philosophy problem of "Tragedy of Nora".
On the road of history, human beings hack their way through difficulties without looking back. However, when they reach the finish line as what I'm doing now, standing in the beautiful scene of May in the U.S., I am scared to find that I start to "homesick" for those uneven and exciting roads I just went though.