The above lines are not available. Please upload #2, #4, #14, and 20 to megaupload or sharebig. Thanks. Xie! Xie!
bonniewzy 发表评论于
collector 发表评论于
第20级已重传到UPL, 请注意连接已更新.
MayChan1970 发表评论于
The above line is not available. Please upload #20 to megaload or sharebig. Thanks.
The message from sendspace:
Sorry, the file you requested is not available.
This file was available for a limited period of time and has now been deleted. For more information please check our FAQ's. Please contact the uploader and ask them to upload the file again. sendspace is not able to help you in this matter.
foreverzmw 发表评论于
请问在sendspace上老说free service忙,有什么办法吗?我想下载下不了,谢谢!
collector 发表评论于
to 观音桥:
disconnect your internet and re-connect to get a new IP.