病人都很稳定,很听话,早上十一点不到就收工了。中间还有一个小插曲,准备让一个病人出院。是个年轻人,从来没有生过病,因为用了抗生素发生急性肾衰竭,现在缓解了。我坐在他的床边跟他仔仔细细解释这个病的来因,发展,以后要注意什么。年轻人说,那么多医生前前后后来看我,你是唯一坐下来跟我说话的。我要你做我的primary care physician。然后他说,我一直在看你的胸部,其实我是在看你的名字,我要记住你的名字,希望你别误会我。%^(*$#.....
又去了最喜欢的那个园艺店,虽然不常买东西,但是喜欢看他们栽培得生气勃勃的植物,和各种各样精巧的工具和摆设。买了一个印度产的小水壶,很好玩的不对称的形状。付钱的时候,收银的小姑娘说Arbor Day 就要到啦,种树吗?然后很热切地看着我,我就买了一棵colorado spruce,回来以后,挖了一个坑,种在了我家的后院,然后培土,浇水,忙了一阵。树苗还很小,很软的样子,不知道以后的风风雨雨,他能不能经过,希望在我离开的时候,他已经是一棵健康的小树了。
Hmmm… what a wonderful Saturday you have had. It made me believe there are still people out there who refuse to be news junkies and are able to carry on lives as they should. I guess , in your case, chocolate truffles might be the “culprit”-:). To make a good day even better I thought you could have found a first-class restaurant near by to kick back and order some house specialty to reward yourself a gastronomical experience and after that to see a real good movie or concert, etc. Do I go too far ? “希望你别误会我” -:).
Speaking of chocolate, this early morning in Central Park I saw a girl wearing a T shirt that reads “I am a woman of many moods — and all of them need chocolate.” I chuckled as I ran by. It was an absolutely beautiful morning in Manhattan, cherry blossom has started.