Thank you very much for your adivce and compliment. I sure will take care of my health. I am still employed now and working in a start up company. I sure have a lot of fun right now. Life is full of expectation and we all just have to go one step a time. Thank you very much for your intertest and reading. Wish you all the best.
IronChef2 发表评论于
I became your instant fan after I just read one of your articles. Lots of experience to learn from. Have your ever thought of publishing them as a book? Probably it will make to the top sell list in China.
Your stories remind me of my neighbor's father, who was also born in Qindao and went to Taiwan in the army. He is in his eighties now but is still very sharp. He shared lots of his stories and life experience with us when he visited his daughter a few years ago. I still keep a copy of his s about his experience being from a distinguished soldier honored personally by the late Chiang to a deserter and eventually an Engineer.
I wish you good health, make sure you see your cardiologist on a regular basis and follow his/her recommendations. Don't change medications yourself. Medicine is not your field. Your cardiologist will know what you should and should not take.