这是奥巴马的生母,叫"邓纳姆",有印地安血统,很漂亮.后来,她与印尼留学生素托罗结婚,并于1967年来到印尼,也把 6岁的奥巴马带到了印尼。(看来,她特爱跟留学生搞) 4年后,两人离婚,这样,奥巴马在雅加达度过四年后,回到夏威夷,和外祖父、外祖母挤在一个很小的公寓里生活。
October 29th, 2008 at 2:24 pm
October 29th, 2008 at 2:46 pm
October 29th, 2008 at 2:55 pm
LOL! Pretty funny stuff.
Now let’s go vote, if you can.
October 29th, 2008 at 4:36 pm
October 29th, 2008 at 4:41 pm
October 29th, 2008 at 6:39 pm
奥巴马入主白宫 is a Day dream
October 29th, 2008 at 8:20 pm
October 29th, 2008 at 8:25 pm
October 29th, 2008 at 10:57 pm
October 29th, 2008 at 11:35 pm
顶阿妞RAINBOW之喻。 的确在大雨冲洗掉这过去八年的污浊晦气后,人们会欣慰地看到一个不仅有白天和黑夜的七彩斑斓的世界。
麦侃输会不会输在看脉? 他一看脉,人们心跳就加快。
P_Z_LOctober 30th, 2008 at 12:04 am
如果说老麦是小布第二的话, 凹八马就是阿扁第二, 黑色的阿扁真要上台了.
真是可喜可贺呀, 美国人民也象台湾人民那样, 为黑色的阿扁上台而疯狂.
我也要向小凹说一声, 恭喜发大财!
October 30th, 2008 at 8:49 am
October 30th, 2008 at 11:09 am
我不想过多的从种族上去批评一个人, 每一个人都有属于自己的民族, 问题在于民族的
包容度和成熟度, 在这一点上, 英格鲁撒克逊民族做得最好, 特别是美国的这一支,
非洲裔在这方面就差很多, 他们基本上是种族主义情结超强, 中国人不是常说:
“非我族类, 其心必异”吗, 他们也正是如此的. 亚洲人作为美国的一个少数民族和
弱势群体, 就特别的容易成为黑色种族主义者发泄的对象, 凹八马即使自己不是种族主义,
他也不可能去得罪整个非洲裔而来为洲人说话. 所以对针对亚洲人的暴行, 他一定会
说他是阿扁其实并没有坏的意思, 在某种程度上还是褒意, 从凹八马的从政经历来看,
他是最精明滑头的人, 知道讲什么做什么对自己最有利, 决不会犯傻去做对自己不利的事.
所以美国人民想选他做总统, 就是看出他不会干出小布那种蠢事, 例如花八千亿去打烂仗,
为了搞自己的政绩工程, 制造一支独秀的房地产泡沫来企图拉抬经济, 结果造成金融风暴,
已经赔进去两万亿, 使子孙后代都要受累无穷.
但愿八马兄能是个阿扁, 见钱眼开, 自己尽量的捞吧, 美国是个大国, 就算八马兄能捞个
十亿八亿的, 也无关痛痒, 只要不象小布那样去做那些祸国殃民的蠢事, 那就是全美国
人民之福了. 只是华人就惨点, 可能又有不少要死于非命了.
我写这些, 不知道回答了12楼博友的问题没有?
October 30th, 2008 at 12:34 pm
October 30th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
October 30th, 2008 at 12:40 pm
老度 needs to get out of his apartment in Chinatown sometimes and try to make some friends.
October 30th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
美国的黑哥们儿姐们儿即使有这样那样的缺点,但至少在反对歧视,争取利益方面心是齐的。 不像亚裔或华裔,一盘散沙,尔虞我诈,对其它有色人种歧软怕硬,不说,连同一个民族的人都要相互歧视,窝里斗最在行。 白人夸一句”模范少数民族“就不知道自己姓什么。 在参与政治、为自己族群造福方面连拉丁裔都比不上。 可不就是跟在白人右派屁股后面嚷嚷。
P_Z_LOctober 30th, 2008 at 2:52 pm
October 30th, 2008 at 3:23 pm
To #17:
>> 可不就是跟在白人右派屁股后面嚷嚷。
无忌之言October 30th, 2008 at 3:46 pm
October 30th, 2008 at 3:23 pm
October 28th, 2008 at 6:03 pm
P_Z_LOctober 30th, 2008 at 5:14 pm
无忌之言October 30th, 2008 at 5:25 pm
To P_Z_L:
22. 无忌之言的评论
October 29th, 2008 at 2:11 am
>> 让我先猜猜你的主观意向。。。:奥巴马上台,黑人仗势欺人、胡作非为,社会动荡不安, 所以不能支持他。
1) 白人实力还是远强于黑人,即使奥巴马上台,黑人也无法仗势欺人,但极左的黑人当总统一定会造成政治的两极化,指望奥巴马来结束(change)布什时代政治两极化的希望一定会落空。
2) 布什的最大问题是乱花钱,而奥巴马将超过布什,本质的差别是增税,但经济滑坡时增税的负面效果可能会很恶劣。(no change or change for the worse)
3) 外交是他真正能change的方面,但外交其实是最复杂的东西,一般百姓根本无法弄懂,所以美国老百姓不太关心外交本来并不是什么坏事儿,但布什把事情弄砸了,虽然第二任上他已作了不少调整,但现在大家都想继续change,加上奥巴马极左的意识形态,他上台后在这方面可能对美国造成最大的伤害。本话题太大太复杂,我无法三言两语说清楚,也没精力长篇大论。
无忌之言October 30th, 2008 at 5:30 pm
为何有这么多反种族歧视的种族主义者呢?Is that an Oxymoron?
无忌之言October 30th, 2008 at 9:04 pm
October 30th, 2008 at 10:36 pm
有关反种族歧视的种族主义者是否 Oxymoron?
我觉得完全不是自相矛盾,不从种族的角度看问题何以发现种族歧视的现象? 又怎么去反对? 照您这样的逻辑,当年美国南方的种族隔离政策是出于好意,用分离性的平等来避免冲突发生。而Rosa Parks之流完全是借题发作,制造种族事端啰?
P_Z_LOctober 30th, 2008 at 11:13 pm
这就是我那 “让我先猜猜你的主观意向,是对还是错先不置可否,你也猜猜我的” 的用意。
实际上,我倒认为您的第一点虽然观念略有刻薄,但仍不失客观,值得探讨。 而第二、三点则是探讨价值甚轻的PartyLine。
谈到第一点,需要指出的是。我所说的“黑人仗势欺人” 是指欺负华/亚裔。 提出这点主要是想了解无忌君的看法。 因为从未看过你对抱有这种观念的博友(老度、杨林等)的贴子有过评论。
P_Z_LOctober 30th, 2008 at 11:31 pm
P_Z_L我只不过提一下“没必要把什么都跟种族联系上” 和用“敏感的种族因数“来解释””今年在车尾贴竞选标语的比往界少很多“之间是否有些矛盾。
你却用“黑人百分之九十几都投欧巴马的票本身就有种族因数,明摆著的事实是抵赖不了的” 来反驳我。
October 31st, 2008 at 12:00 am
To #27:
无忌之言October 31st, 2008 at 12:07 am
To #26:
>> 但我觉得大可不必强调三点中你最看轻种族问题。
>> 而第二、三点则是探讨价值甚轻的PartyLine。
>> 因为从未看过你对抱有这种观念的博友(老度、杨林等)的贴子有过评论。
无忌之言October 31st, 2008 at 12:26 am
To #25:
>> 抱歉无忌之言君,今天因为太忙了,只能偷闲跟几个短帖,嬉笑怒骂。。。
>> 而是打发几个真正的党棍。
即使别人是党棍,也不能构成你使用党棍手法的理由。“为达良好目的可以不择手段”是个slippery slop,两极化的政治就是从此开始的,早期的共产主义也是因此越走越邪。
>> 反对破坏环境的环保主义者是否也是Oxymoron?
>> 照您这样的逻辑。。。Rosa Parks之流完全是借题发作,制造种族事端罗?
无忌之言October 31st, 2008 at 12:35 am
不以种族为思考问题的出发点,难道以他经济上的“增税” “乱花钱” 或外交上的“极左”和“软弱” ? 我认为奥巴马能走到这一步,很大程度上取决于种族方面的考虑。远不限于白人左派,而是在全球化信息时代成长起来的各种肤色的年轻一代从以往对选举政治的漠不关心转化到现在的积极参与。 正是这股新兴力量的热情帮助奥巴马击败了希拉里。 而这种热情的来源就是“种族” 。 不是狭义上的“种族“,而是从象征意义上对美国走出” 种族歧视“的历史阴影,在自由和人权价值观上重新建立形象的憧憬。
如果人们能接受这个象征意义,就不难理解为什么GOP对奥巴马具体政策的狂轰滥炸都动摇不了太多年轻一代对他的倾向。 也许是出于天真,但也许他/她们认识到,不管政客竞选时有什么样改天换地的理想,到了华盛顿斗免不了被这个大染缸同化。
P_Z_LIn other words, people survived, although barely, 8 years under once-idealistic GWB, how much worse can it be? But at least you can tell those people calling the US hypocrite to shut the f#$k up.
October 31st, 2008 at 12:57 am
以其人之道还治其人之身,为何不可? 就像FOX NEWS 的Bill O’Reilly 天仙配 就是 MSNBC 的 Keith Olbermann,而CNN的Wolf Blitzer们再怎样努力竖牌坊也难逃被指责为 Liberal Bias. 又何苦呢。
October 31st, 2008 at 1:00 am
To #1:
>> 如果人们能接受这个象征意义。。。
>> But at least you can tell those people calling the US hypocrite to shut the f#$k up.
除非美国成为三流国家,批评美国是hypocrite的人永远都不会shut up,而且永远都会有“理由”。
无忌之言October 31st, 2008 at 1:08 am
To #2:
>> 以其人之道还治其人之身,为何不可?
无忌之言October 31st, 2008 at 1:35 am
为什么?不是白人种族主义越来越势微了吗? 难道其它少数民族会因为不称职的黑人总统而被 Illumination Through Association?
你又凭什么认定他不合格?难道Warren Buffet 和Colin Powel 都在杀鸡取卵?
爱面子是很有中国特色的。 可惜在这个问题上不是面子(Face)的问题,而是形象(Image)的问题,两个概念。
October 31st, 2008 at 1:42 am
如果一个人认定自己说的是真理,别人提出的不同意见都是谎言,那的确没有讨论“对”和“错” 的意义。 在多维有关中国的博客上就有很多类似的组织生活。
幸好我们还不至于到这个地步。 当然再不收摊睡觉也难说。 Goodnite.
P_Z_LOctober 31st, 2008 at 1:59 am
To #5:
>> 不是白人种族主义越来越势微了吗?
>> 难道其它少数民族会因为不称职的黑人总统而被 Illumination Through Association?
What’s your point? 因为媒体的庇护,Illumination其实很有限,大部分选民所知甚少。和什么样的人交朋友难道不能反映一个人的真实想法?连他的书名都是从Reverend Wright那借来的,你能说他不了解他的思想?听极端仇美和仇视白人的布道难道不是他自己的选择?
>> 你又凭什么认定他不合格?难道Warren Buffet 和Colin Powel 都在杀鸡取卵?
我说你从象征意义出发论证该选他是“杀鸡取卵”,但我不相信Warren Buffet和Colin Powel会那么看重象征意义。
>> 可惜在这个问题上不是面子(Face)的问题,而是形象(Image)的问题,两个概念。
无忌之言October 31st, 2008 at 2:01 am
To #6:
>> 幸好我们还不至于到这个地步。 当然再不收摊睡觉也难说。 Goodnite.
无忌之言October 31st, 2008 at 3:36 pm
觉睡了(虽短但很有效率),正业也务了,票也投了(虽然基本上是浪费)。 接着跟无忌君抬抬杆。
To #7:
我同意在Jim Crowism意义上的白人种族主义已经越来越势微,其政治和文化载体被逐渐边缘化。 但认为社会底层的少数民族的贫困和犯罪现象是咎由自取,可以通过内部淘汰解决,政府无须干预的现代意义上的种族主义则到处存在。 问题是,这种歧视的对象远不限于黑人,也包括Native Americans 和 Latinos。 当然这是一个需要专门讨论的话题。
而我认为对你第二问题的回答应该是:可以这么说,但从看美国人口的种族组成的变化趋势,这跟传统意义上的种族主义关系不大。人现在是大多数,但在未来的50年内,西裔、非裔和亚裔总数将会超过白人。 而西裔将会超过黑人成为第一大“少数民族” 。 这就是为什么我认为你提出的如黑人总统不称职就会“断了以后少数民族的总统路” 不成立。 难道人们会因他们同属“少数民族” 而用非裔的业绩衡量西裔的能力?
>> 难道其它少数民族会因为不称职的黑人总统而被 Illumination Through Association?
What’s your point?…..
我从象征意义出发论证并不等于说不考虑实质问题上的致命弱点。 问题是迄今为止反对奥巴马的人难以在他的政策平台上指出有绝对说服力的致命弱点。 这就是为什么他们用Reverend Wright和Bill Ayers的问题上对他的人格进行攻击。 实际效果怎样他们自己心里清楚。
你认为Warren Buffet和Colin Powel看重他的哪方面?
我说你从象征意义出发论证该选他是“杀鸡取卵”,但我不相信Warren Buffet和Colin Powel会那么看重象征意义。
自己管自己事情时不必太看重形象,但要管别人时就要考虑一下了。 就像你在笑别人赤裸下身时是不是也要低头看看自己的拉链有没有系上?
October 31st, 2008 at 4:04 pm
BTW, 你应该知道是谁用联邦政府推行南部州奉行的Jim Crow法律的? 是被你标为Liberal的President Woodrow Wilson。 当然这属于有关政治标签历史演变的话题我在无忌君的上一篇博文中还没来得及跟你进一步探讨。
P_Z_LOctober 31st, 2008 at 4:08 pm
Now if you excuse me. I’ll need to get ready for the trick-or-treaters. I wonder if there will be anybody dressed up as Bill Ayers or Reverend Wright. I’d prefer seeing someone dressed up like Gov. Palin in Barbie suit.
You have to admit that she does look hot sometimes…for her age.
October 31st, 2008 at 9:57 pm
October 31st, 2008 at 11:19 pm
To: #9:
>> 觉睡了。。。 接著跟无忌君抬抬杆。
>> 问题是迄今为止反对奥巴马的人难以在他的政策平台上指出有绝对说服力的致命弱点。
“有绝对说服力的致命弱点”?你这样严于律人很容易就把自己置于不败之地了嘛:-) 你自己能举出任何一个美国政客在政策平台上的“有绝对说服力的致命弱点”吗?对佩琳为何不用同样的标准?
你说到现在只是强调他是黑人,而这一条连Reverend Wright都符合。
>> 这就是为什么他们用Reverend Wright和Bill Ayers的问题上对他的人格进行攻击。
>> 实际效果怎样他们自己心里清楚。
>> 你认为Warren Buffet和Colin Powel看重他的哪方面?
无忌之言November 1st, 2008 at 1:23 am
My point exactly. 之所以是政客就说明总有相当一批人欣赏他/她,当然能不能当上总统就要看能不能说服更多的人在其身上投资了。 至于佩琳,她在ALASKA的业绩不可否认,但在老迈竞选班子束缚下,大家无法透过包装看到一个真正的她。 既然老迈的人马把她请来当SHOWGIRL,也难怪媒体作难,老百姓拿她开涮。
Nothing personal.
因为他来自 “Land of Lincoln”
托Karl Rove和youtube的福,选民现在知道很多了,你觉得起作用了么?
November 1st, 2008 at 1:58 am
>> 因为他来自 “Land of Lincoln”
So far so good, Reverend Wright is as qualified as Obama?
无忌之言November 1st, 2008 at 4:54 pm
November 1st, 2008 at 6:51 pm
No, he’s a preacher, not a politician.
You didn’t get my point.
November 1st, 2008 at 1:58 am
>> 因为他来自 “Land of Lincoln”
So far so good, Reverend Wright is as qualified as Obama?
November 2nd, 2008 at 12:19 am
That is such a lame excuse. Politicians come from all walks of life, and anyone can be a politician. Also I was not playing another guessing game, I just took your criteria and found that Reverend Wright was as qualified as Obama. You are welcome to revise your criteria, but I am appalled that it’s such a difficult task for you to put these two men in different categories.
无忌之言November 2nd, 2008 at 3:11 am
Again, you’re missing the point.
Indeed anyone can be a politician. But in order to be a “good politician” (another oxymoron?) with mainstream support, he or she will have to suppress the “occupational diseases” that come with the early professions, be it a lawyer, a solider, a banker, a wrestler, an actor, or a preacher. In other words – stop being what he/she was before.
I think a more appropriate parallel would be drawn between Rev. Jeremiah WrightWright and Rev. Al Sharpton, who is a preacher/activist/ “politician” and was a candidate in the 2004 election. But the problem with Sharpton is that he never quit his day-job as a preacher and activist, and like Wright, he enjoys his place outside the mainstream. That’s why Sharpton never had a prayer running for any public office. He probably never intended to be a politician and only used his political campaigns as a sideshow to keep him in the spotlight.
On the other hand, Obama ceased to be the “community activist”, the teacher and the lawyer that he used to be when he entered politics to become a state senator, and start building his support from the mainstream ever since.
So to answer your question. Rev. Sharpton is not nearly as qualified as Obama, and even less so for Rev. Wright.
And I am too appalled that it’s such a difficult task for you to see my point when I said “因为他来自 Land of Lincoln” in respond to your question.
November 2nd, 2008 at 12:19 am
That is such a lame excuse. Politicians come from all walks of life, and anyone can be a politician. Also I was not playing another guessing game, I just took your criteria and found that Reverend Wright was as qualified as Obama. You are welcome to revise your criteria, but I am appalled that it’s such a difficult task for you to put these two men in different categories.
November 2nd, 2008 at 12:04 pm
Thanks for such a long-winded effort. You could have simply said because Reverend Wright’s not running for the office. Whether he has a day-time job (he is retired), stopped being what he was before, etc. won’t add any more weight to that argument. But arguing on the technicality is so boring, and further exposes your inability to put these two men in different categories based on their substances. At the end, it’s a free country and you can vote one way or the other based on whatever reasons, e.g. “he is black”, “he is from Illinois”, “his voice is mesmerizing”, “he gives me HOPE”, etc. No one can challenge your right. But for the majority of the voters, they will get whatever they deserve, good or bad.
无忌之言November 2nd, 2008 at 1:02 pm
Well, the feeling is mutual. It’s also getting quite bored for me to argue with someone who professes “solid” grasp of “facts” and yet simply does not have the imaginative capacity to move beyond literal interpretation.
In the end, I guess we can still “respectfully” agree to disagree.
And I do agree with you that the voters will get whatever they deserve, good or bad. People should be able to make their own decision and be held accountable for that. After all, isn’t that what democracy is all about?
P_Z_LNovember 2nd, 2008 at 2:32 pm
Don’t forget the initial question was: “你凭什么就相信他呢?” (#13)
You can use technicality to “disqualify” Reverend Wright, but that’s not the answer to my question. You have answered “because he is from Illinois”, which doesn’t make any sense. You might be joking, but the fact is that you haven’t given me an answer. You dance too much with logic, which shows that the driving force in your decision making regarding this election is something you are reluctant to admit. Of course I can imagine, and I always do, but without something equivalent to a mind-fingerprint which hasn’t be invented yet, I won’t get into that kind of shaky business. So I only let people speak for themselves.
无忌之言November 2nd, 2008 at 2:54 pm
因为他来自 Land of Lincoln
P_Z_LNovember 2nd, 2008 at 3:30 pm
So you bet he is Lincoln material? Not Franklin Pierce material?
I sincerely hope you are right.
无忌之言November 2nd, 2008 at 5:05 pm
Yeah, call me crazy. Might as well get a little crazier.
Whatever happened to Franklin Pierce?…
November 2nd, 2008 at 5:35 pm
>> Yeah, call me crazy. Might as well get a little crazier.
I asked you to justify a smaller claim of “you trust him” (with some tangibles, implied), and you did it with a bigger claim (with no tangibles). “Wishful thinking” is the least I can say, and I don’t mind if you call yourself crazy. Even crazy people can win a lottery sometime, so don’t despair yet.
>> Whatever happened to Franklin Pierce?
He tare the country apart when he signed Kansas and Nebraska Act into law, repealing the Missouri Compromise.
We don’t need a “Lincoln” at this time when Affirmative Act is already the law, and when many whites are claiming unfair treatment already.
Force and counter force, you should only break them apart to fix a problem, not imperfection, and only when you have a decent understanding of both sides.
无忌之言November 3rd, 2008 at 2:02 pm
The passage below really examplifies the crust of our discourse to-date, which is the attempt by you to set the parameters for the premises of the argument and expect people to submit to that parameter and therefore end-up with no choice but to submit to your conclusion. It’s like asking some hip-pop singer to go into an opera singing contest and then telling him he lost because he can’t hit that high c in “La Liberté, la Liberté.” Sorry I don’t dance with your tune of spinning waltz.
I’m mentioning past presidents such as Pierce and Lincoln, to which mix we might as well thrown GWB into, only to illustrate a fact that the history of the Presidency of the United States has been fraught with unintended consequences. Sometimes a seemingly least experienced candidate would end up becoming one of the greatest Presidents, while other times a no-nonsense guy with “moral clarity” and “proven record” would turn out to be arguably one of the worst. All of these presidential ‘successes” and “failures” have helped to shape the history of this country. And if you ask me, I wouldn’t want it any other way because this is what truly makes America what she is today and hopefully continued to be into the future—a shining beacon of hope and optimism defying odds and conventional wisdom.
Whatever the result is tomorrow, we’ll know more about ourselves as a whole as America in dealing with the consequences. And that also will become part of the American experience which you can not get anywhere else in the world.
So there you have it. That’s how crazy or “wishful thinkingish” I am. But I’m not nearly as crazy and courageous as someone who believed the earth was not the center of the universe when everyone said it was.
I asked you to justify a smaller claim of “you trust him” (with some tangibles, implied), and you did it with a bigger claim (with no tangibles).
November 3rd, 2008 at 3:16 pm
Good rhetoric but lacking substance, rich in emotion and loose in logic.
>> Sorry I don’t dance with your tune of spinning waltz.
It’s your choice, and you can even refuse to dance with your own “tune of spinning waltz”. When you asked me “论证完全建立在奥巴马是极左的。。。如果这个前提是虚假的,您又会如何想? ” I gave you a short answer “我甚至可以投他一票。” But to the flip side of the same question:“但如果是事实,你还投他的票吗?” I never get an answer.
>> The history of the Presidency of the United States has been fraught with unintended consequences.
So we should vote one way and expect the unintended? By definition that’s not unintended any more.
>> Sometimes a seemingly least experienced candidate would end up becoming one of the greatest Presidents,
True. So should we vote for the least experienced? If not, it goes back to my original question you haven’t answered properly.
>> while other times a no-nonsense guy with “moral clarity” and “proven record” would turn out to be arguably one of the worst.
Since when“moral clarity” and “proven record” became liabilities?
>> And if you ask me, I wouldn’t want it any other way
So with hindsight/foresight, people should still vote for Bush in 2000 if given a choice?
>> A shining beacon of hope and optimism defying odds and conventional wisdom.
Agree! But can your faith in America be translated into faith in any politician? Or can faith in America help you a bit in making election choices? Is it off the topic, or another “spinning waltz”?
>> But I’m not nearly as crazy and courageous as someone who believed the earth was not the center of the universe when everyone said it was.
Those scientists didn’t just believe, they judged based on tons of mathematical evidences. Not a good parallel.
无忌之言November 3rd, 2008 at 3:50 pm
What part of the letter “I” don’t you understand?
Throughout our debate I simply presented the “crazy and wishfulthikish” perspective, in other words “where I come from”, as a way of showing one of the alternative voices, which I believe there are many. Except for occasionally having some fun with words, at the expense of GOP and its candidates, I never once explicitly or implicitly asked people to vote one way or the other.
It is you, on the other hand, who took upon yourself to setup premises for judging a candidates and asked people to “think clear” based on that premises.
So you tell me, who is telling people he or she SHOULD vote for?
I know “step out of the box” has become a cliché phrase. But give it try every now and then won’t hurt. After all, you don’t have to stay there if you don’t like the view.
BTW, speaking of the crazy scientists, besides falling far short of their craziness and courage, I’m also not trying to change the world…on my own.
November 3rd, 2008 at 4:04 pm
Not that I’m dodging the question. Remember I only asked how would you think, not how would you vote, when I posed that question. Because I believe how people think is more meaningful than who they vote for since people justify their decisions in many different ways, tangible or not.
But since you are so adamant about getting a straight answer. The answer would be NO!
It’s your choice, and you can even refused to dance with your own “tune of spinning waltz”. When you asked me “论证完全建立在奥巴马是极左的。。。如果这个前提是虚假的,您又会如何想? ” I gave you a short answer “我甚至可以投他一票。” But to the flip side of the same question:“但如果是事实,你还投他的票吗?” I never get an
November 3rd, 2008 at 4:40 pm
To #29:
>> So you tell me, who is telling people he or she SHOULD vote for?
Nobody! I was just trying to understand your logic, and you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to; but if you do, I expect a claim to be broken down to smaller claims, not the other way around. Otherwise this conversion SHOULD have stopped long time ago.
无忌之言November 3rd, 2008 at 4:49 pm
To #30:
>> The answer would be NO!
Thank you!
I was trying to understand the boundary of your “framework”. Isn’t it helpful to discover some common ground?
无忌之言November 3rd, 2008 at 5:07 pm
Well, that depends on whether the ground you’ve discovered is a play-ground or battle-ground?
November 3rd, 2008 at 5:15 pm
That also depends on your definitions of “play-ground” and “battle-ground”. I tend to think it’s both.
Believe it or not, I’ve discovered many.
So long!
无忌之言November 3rd, 2008 at 5:17 pm
And my mere annoysome presence here should tell you that I still consider this a play-ground.
The televised respective forums of O’reilly and Olberman would be considered battle-ground by me, because one side has a clear tactical advantage — the host’s ability to grab the microphone and cut people off. You don’t go into battles to play fair…
November 5th, 2008 at 10:58 am
Wow laopo we’ll all get some tonight… and I’m not talking about making war…
November 5th, 2008 at 11:15 am
@6 阿共
Congratulations for Re_Discovering love
Provided that y’all got it on with each other
Not with someone else….
November 5th, 2008 at 12:39 pm
A dude will get it on with laopo for real only when UNusual time comes hohoho…