Clinton, you got me back to the blog. You are the man.
You seems to believe in China-Russia conflict. Keep digging...
clinton-2007 发表评论于
Another scenario of thinking could be:
China and India are neighboring so closely and therefore so easily for 擦枪走火 to induce the war。
When America is declining, China do the same, even worse. By the way, I am very pro-China, unequivocally, but never hold from being critical of their challenges, nevertheless.
Education is one of the worst nightmares in China. I have been teaching in China's top universities, so I can tell that the quality is well beyond deterioration. To get into Beida and Qinghua, as long as you have money, you can by giving a unique way. Very popular there. Professors are busy making money that not many focus on teaching and researching.
To catch up with the high-end on the global value chain, you need the quality massively.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Another scenario of thinking could be:
China and India are neighboring so closely and therefore so easily for 擦枪走火 to induce the war.
The danger is that, both nuclear powers are not as well-prepared for the war as US usually goes. In a sense, US could prepare for years to start a "Shock and owe" before a full assault, while China and India might just do it on the spur of inspiration, by simply pushing a button.
We know the history, that Chairman Mao gave the order to cross the 鸭怒江 and assist the Korean War, everything just follow through, even airplanes with no experienced pilots, say 100 hours flight training.
That is the most dangerous part to mull over.
clinton-2007 发表评论于
American is in control of the essence to design (IP) and marketing at high-end, while Chinese is in manufacturing and processing at low-end. This paradigm is very hard to change, unless China has reached to the level where it can pave the way for its design and manufacturing to prevail as a while line without orders from US. You can image how hard it is.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Sorry, a mistake, should be "I am doing the book not for the money!"
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
I love this sharp expression in contrast.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Thanks. I was told that only the hottest book is profitable, namely, 98% books is losing money. However, after-book effect works. For example, invited speeches, media interviews, etc. indeed make very handsome money.
I am doing book for the money, believe or not. I am interested in driving my ideas to the public then impact the world. Not young, but still ambitious.
I am talking about how to taking advantage of market crisis to bottom-fish the Wall Street, for instance, to bottom fish Goldman Sachs when it drops from 248 to 47 less than a year. I did this ideas as recorded, rather than 马后炮 or "cannon after horse".So the book is about real action, about the only way for China to be streamlined with US to eventually avoid the conflict.
The sense is that, when you tie together in the best interests to each sides, it is hard to break.
With the collapse of the Soviet empire, the US has shifted its sight on its next target, China. The ultimate goal of the US towards China is no different than the one towards the Soviets, which is to destroy China so as to maintain its eternal supremacy and dominance in the world. On the other hand, there is absolutely no basis for making a similar argument in the India-China scenario. India, like Japan, is nothing more than a pawn or a proxy at the disposal of the USA to be used against China.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Chinese are always doing this kind of foolish things, inconsistent inside and outside. Win is win, why retreat after win? You think you did a right thing to show to the world how generous and mighty, but no one go with it.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
The question is that, if no more readers, who will know you? where the impact to come from.
Honestly, I am advised to open a blog online that I did just a few weeks ago in order to coop with book selling. Everything is pertinent to market to sell. If you don't do it, no matter how good you are, you are deem to lose money. When that happens, it is a losing game.
American is in control of the essence to design (IP) and marketing at high-end, while Chinese is in manufacturing and processing at low-end. This paradigm is very hard to change, unless China has reached to the level where it can pave the way for its design and manufacturing to prevail as a while line without orders from US. You can image how hard it is.
There is one thing China can do better than anyone else, as it starts right now to meet the domestic demand by investing 4 trillion RMB inside China.It can design, assemble, market, distribute, whatever it wants. Beyond that, it is different story.
Wiserman 发表评论于
总之,"假设"要从全方位看! 然后,随机应变!
Wiserman 发表评论于
Not only the Chinese and the Americans see Globalization differently, but also its impact to both societies are at totally different levels.
Wiserman 发表评论于
1) In reality, the cold war will NEVER disappear from the human society.
The fundamental thinking of the Western nations will not change over night. There is a basic belief that separate the Chinese and the Western ideologies. In short, the Chinese(India also can) can co-exist with different cultures, yet the Westerns are very self-righteous.
2) per:"...Globalization has surfaced to the level where US and China have gradually become inseparable commercial partnership, where Americans is happily to design and consume while China is equally excited to manufacture and deliver. "
The Chinese and the Americans see Globalization different!
Please try to define it precisely for both!
This is the concept from a Harvard professor's Chiamerica idea. Do you think it will be a fair thing for China keeps on providing the low cost products to the Americans to spend? It will not last long in this way. Not only because it is not equal, but also China just can not afford doing this way for a long time!
[近来哈佛教授说出中美国观念,就是:中国一直供应廉价物品给美国人消费,这平等吗? 中国都快成大垃圾桶了!中国能够一直这样继续下去吗? 明显的不可能!
Respectively, I am focusing on Sino-US relations from non expert view of point, as to the war potential between two powers.
you might neglect the fact the world has been changed since the cold war. Back to the old days, no one was capable then of predicting what took to be reshaped to what would be today. Particularly in the recent days, the whole landscape has been redrawn to the very different one and so the intellectuals' brains need to be rewashed in order to adapt to the new challenging environment.
I probably would go with you if it were right after the breakdown of the Soviet Union to 15 republics. At that time, the entire world was stilled over clouded by the misguidance of concept of the "cold war forever", so overwhelm and so real.
There is no doubt that the US was then desperately seeking to replace enemy target in efforts to strengthen and legitimize its military muscle and weaponry expansion. China was ideal drawn to the map considering its then-ambitious different communist ideology and strong regime, history conflicts (the presumed winner to both Korean War and Vietnam War against US and its allies), as well as its overcapacity of military resources and emerging power in Asia.
Worth a note, I am not a guru of military science and international relations, but simply a consulting business professor and venture capitalist in Silicon Valley.
To a surprise not only to the world, but to the US and China as well, the table is starting to turn 180 degrees when it entered to the new century that the old thinking of perfect confrontation target between US (active to take) and China (passive to accept) is hard to maintain and therefore no longer workable. Globalization has surfaced to the level where US and China have gradually become inseparable commercial partnership, where Americans is happily to design and consume while China is equally excited to manufacture and deliver. Further,real economy has stepped into virtual financial economy where China also become a creditor to the currency demand of American.
When you trace back to the old days, there is neither such thing as globalization, nor as the transformation of easy-to-break then to hard-to-bend now in terms of relationship. The politics is plain talk and empty-handed and so is the military if without solid economic support as cornerstone.
A No.1 (1 trillion $) debtor of US owning to China, I could not image how US comes up with any excuse to wage a war by excusing and off-setting the entire debt with China. For any bloody war with China, you need the strongest "why" to mobilize the people, simply because it is the people who are going to wound and die for you. Where is that? I can't see it at all.
There is great deal of challenges facing two super powers. The American's ability to resolve these challenges won't choose an only to wage a war, but rather, to be deeply affected by the policies pursued by China too, which is a home to one of fourth of the earth's population. Beyond Asia, the role China chooses to play in preventing or abetting the spread of weapons of mass destruction, combating or ignoring international crime, protecting or degrading the environment, tearing the or building up trade barriers, managing the financial institutions or green-lighting the unlimited application of derivatives levers, or abusing human rights will help shape the new relationship between US and China in the next century.
Old thinking for unstoppable war lies in the fact that some Americans believe China's interests and US's inexorably are in conflict that they should work to contain China before it becomes stronger. But in isolating China, they would only encourage China to turn inward and to act in opposition to US's interest and values.
That is how the tide was changing with the passage for time accompanied by globalization.Americans are smart enough not to challenge a already grow-up of power and instead, to choose a pragmatic and principled course: expanding areas to cooperation with China while dealing directly with their difference. It works. It works well.
A quick summary, I would not agree with you equally that the US is permanently targeting China as an enemy, and if any, that is only to the extreme thinking with eyes blinded.
Thanks for your views.
ewatcher 发表评论于
I appreciate your response. However, I do not share your perspective at all.
I think we can all agree that rivalry between great powers is a given, but it does not mean it will play out in all-out wars, which was amply demonstrated by the US and the Soviet Union during the 40 plus years of Cold War until 1989. But the Cold War ended with the demise of the Soviet Union. How? The answer is obvious. The US destroyed the Soviet Union without starting a hot war. The US will now try to do the same to the Chinese.
With the collapse of the Soviet empire, the US has shifted its sight on its next target, China. The ultimate goal of the US towards China is no different than the one towards the Soviets, which is to destroy China so as to maintain its eternal supremacy and dominance in the world. On the other hand, there is absolutely no basis for making a similar argument in the India-China scenario. India, like Japan, is nothing more than a pawn or a proxy at the disposal of the USA to be used against China.
Can't agree with you more than I have... rational thought and exploration always assemble great friends together and allow for upgrading and improving. You may find my writing different from others, since I intentionally tailor myself to insulate from academic style, instead, to write poetic and cultural, and to turn under-to-understand to easy-to-read, even for very serious politics and wars. You will see next couple of months.
I "arrogantly" classify it as "Wall Street Literature".
I found one phenomena amazing when it comes to writing. In China, the popularity of a lot of young writers, most of them around 20-30s, is much influential than older generation writers. For example, 郭敬明, just 24, writing mostly fiction or novels, is a quick writer and sell his book for averaging 500K to 5M copies. You guess, how many copies for those academic and technical, 2000, 5000, 10K is a given.
Why? You have to turn complex to simple if you wish to more readers to be attracted to your landscape.
clinton-2007 发表评论于
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Hi Wiserman, don't read you for a while. I have time now to put something in ink before dispatching for China on 5/19 through July. Means will be slow coming out with something valuable during that period. Look forward to your insightful views always.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Thanks for your argument. Through heated debates, cloudy sky can be cleared to certain degrees. I enjoy being pushed back and forth in order to improve myself for issues critical to China, US and the world as well. You are great!
clinton-2007 发表评论于
Bill Gate once said, which I remember, Microsoft is living on the crisis everyday. It means one day delay of the products delivery, its market share could be taken away from peers. Just give a thinking.
从微软官司的实际所为来看,他的骄傲自大是有目共睹的。Vista,window me这么烂的产品都敢推出到市场,如果不是他所处的垄断地位和消费者的容忍,早就该完蛋了。
As for Russian's occupation of China's large territories, I am curious about why Chinese government is not as showing strongly to Russians as to Indians. There should be something behind. You go figure out.
clinton-2007 发表评论于
Russia and China still belongs to the brotherhood circle. Ideologically, they still believe, by large measurement, in the same of socialist ideas and essences. Russia's challenger is not Chinese but US, and most importantly, Russians are hateful and very reminiscent of US's betrayal after Gorbachev's overnight "Sky Change". They hate US more than anyone else.
Being a veteran Silicon based venture capitalist, I understand how crisis works its way through an enterprise's development process from startup, funding, marketing, IPO, continuing... Crisis is embedded in every phase of its process. If you miss one quarter, you will perhaps miss the whole and you will thereby get punished perhaps the whole year or longer. Repercussion could be substantial. That is how crisis given in technology field.
Bill Gate once said, which I remember, Microsoft is living on the crisis everyday. It means one day delay of the products delivery, its market share could be taken away from peers. Just give a thinking.
As for Russian's occupation of China's large territories, I am curious about why Chinese government is not as showing strongly to Russians as to Indians. There should be something behind. You go figure out.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Russia and China still belongs to the brotherhood circle. Ideologically, they still believe, by large measurement, in the same of socialist ideas and essences. Russia's challenger is not Chinese but US, and most importantly, Russians are hateful and very reminiscent of US's betrayal after Gorbachev's overnight "Sky Change". They hate US more than anyone else.
Historically and culturally, Russian and Chinese are fond of each other, started from Red Army era, through National Party and Communist Party phases. You can easily see, how many Chinese seniors leaders and young people are trained and culitivated in Russia, the former Soviet Union, the past, now and years to come.
Yes, Russia and China engaged a lot of small-scale sporadic bordering conflicts, absolutely "No"wars, but only at certain special and sensitive points of time, when both countries went crazy against each other. However, when the wind blown out, quickly, it was recovery right after.
Not to say, there is no huge obstacle in front of both countries, such issues as Tibet.
Seems to me, India will never give up Dala and his independent-minded followers.
I went to Moscow University as consulting professor twice and I know Russians are basically highly appreciative and admiring of Chinese history and culture, particularly, the modernization of today's China.
Vice versa, Chinese enjoy Russia's culture, music, dance,too.
That is also never the case of C with I.
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Really respect your views toward who would be the most right rivals to China and appreciate for your time given to the argument. Here is my quick feedback as to why I pull my trigger to shot China-India issue instead of US-China.
Briefly, a potential war between US and China, as derived from historical record, say Wars in Korean Peninsula War and Viet Nam with Chinese "heavy involvement" against US, seems inevitable in open arguments for decades. That is a out-of-date thinking.
As history turns to the new page in 21th century, there are only two superpowers still alive on the planet, one is truly paramount superpower, US, while the other an emerging disputable superpower, China. Leaders of both powers come together with new thinking encroaching new actions. Survival is the first to consider, in as sense economic ties are rightly positioned and predominant over anything else, so that basically, China sell and US buy to keep going of the world by large. As economy draws them together, and consequently, either side can't afford to breaking out without serious price paying. Equally and more or less, both powers maintains the nuclear arsenals enough to destroy either sides along with the world, without a doubt. When such close ties and serious threats is weighed in balance, neither US nor China is willing to let go ever-growing goodwill and kill the best for worst, in efforts to engage in something beyond their best interest.
I believe in the geographically factor, simply because most major wars, whatever happened in history, were stemmed from bordering conflicts. Neighboring countries, regions and tribes are prone and have countless reasons to fight for the sake of religion beliefs, territories, immigrant flows, dissident protection, etc.
All wars were so started as of bordering conflicts, Koren War, India-China War, Iraq-Iran War, Iraq War (actually of Iraq's invasion into bordering Kuwait), China-Viet Nam War, are all such, not to mention of as far the early 20th century as the first and the second World Wars broke out. Almost all major wars were initiated from bordering conflicts.
China and India are bordered for too long to reconcile, and both countries has virtually no close economic ties strong enough to support each's growth and stability. Rather than, there existed too many uncertain factors to wage a war, big or small, say, religion, Tibet issue, nuclear pile-up, Pakistan touching point, population overflow...
Indians are not compatible with Chinese culturally, if not to hate, while not really true the other side, Chinese toward Indians. China has no strong reason to be provocative against India when it focuses entirely on sustaining its high economic growth. China is already surrounded by so many challenging countries, for example, Japan, even Russia, Viet Nam, Philippine, Indonesia, etc.
However, that is not the case of China with India. India's only enemy is China. In their mind, Pakistan is part of China so that anything with P is with C.
clinton-2007 发表评论于
危机本身是危机意识的展示? 这句话含义模糊,what is your point?
ewatcher 发表评论于
India lost a war to China in 1962, but ended up winning a huge tract of the most fertile land in Southern Tibet. India was indisputably the true winner of the war. As a winner, Indians would certainly want to make sure that they get to keep possession of what they have gained. On the other hand, China would naturally look for ways to regain its lost territories, which is entirely justified as China is regaining its world power status. Indians' recent noisy sabre-rattling about another war within the next 10 years is nothing but a reflection of its nervousness and its inferiority complex. In another word, India is becoming afraid that one day China wants to take its land back.
India is not a true threat to China, simply because it is not a power to be reckoned with in the new century. The United States, on the other hand, is the source of all China's international problems, such as with the Indians and the Japanese, not to mention small frictions with countries around the South China Sea, such as Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines.
The real rival for and threat to China, both geo-politically and strategically in the 21st century, is none other than the USA, not India. I don't think the author of the article got it right.
If you go human history deeper, war seems easily being triggered if several irrational powers hand in together and become loose canon in face of the unavoidable crisis, while the same can be avoided when the otherwise. India likes to go tough with Pakistan decisively but it can't, unfortunately, China is the key behind. I am here talking about the possibility, the sense and the warning. Thanks.
pladxhy 发表评论于
donotlike 发表评论于
Power talks. India has been used by the west to fight with China for a decade. None of them gets what they wanted. If you are powerful enough, it doesn't matter who is your alliance with whom, everyone wants to be your friend, either voluntarily or forcefully.
印度极可能成为美国用来遏制中国的筹码。也就是 美+印 vs 中,来代替 30 年前 美+中 vs 苏 及后来的 美+日 vs 中。中国在全世界特别是南亚加强和其它小国的合作同时,更应该设法把印度纳入和中国共同发展的轨道。比邻之国,即意味着冲突的可能性大增,也意味着合作的现实性很大。中国和印度的关系,将决定着这两个发展中国家最后能否成功实现自身的崛起。中国在和印度的竞争中有许多先行权,应该仔细选择自身需要的产业,让印度着重发展其它产业。