I guess you are talking about 12 course meals to last 3-4 hours (still one main course). If you like to eat raw sea salmon with wasabi and soy source, you will not like the cooked salmon no matter how it is prepared. If you get use to sashimi, I guess no other food can beat it on taste and texture satisfaction.
Thai food can be too spicy, same as Korean food, or our Sichuan food but is highly additive. Not everybody can take it. Certain Indian food is tasty even though they do not look good in general (mexican food included, just the look is enough sometime). How about the great middle east flat bread. We Chinese generally do not eat sweets but I am sure most people will love cream burret (did I spell it right?).
Enjoyed reading your article. Good food can be accepted by most people over time. The west is known for its broild or grilled steak (corn fed only and better part of cattle). There is not much to brag about fish fillets, pork chops, and chikens. Red robester is good no matter how you prepare it.
The major difference is limited choice vs varieties and the eating atmosphese. One course meal (main course) and silent eating environment is dramatically different from multiple dishes and hearty(noisy) atmosphere. We Chinese are used to variety on the table and a causal talking environment. We are mentally not satisfied with one main course even though the steak (both taste and nutrition) is really good. No absolute good or bad. Everybody will agree the meals in UK is terrible therefore the result of most American foods. French and Italian mealss are really good foods if you add a good starter plate. Most Chinese foods in China restaurants (except sea foods) have too much oil. Even Chinese do not like it. Hope the amount of oil will be cut down quickly to satisfy the need of advancing society. Oily food is not the same as home made food.
Liquor is good for home meal if you do not have to drive. Not adequate for party or social dining with cars getting popular. The west has developed better alternative cocktails and other lower alcohol drinks. Throat burning liquors will be limited to none drivers. Even if you like it, you can not drink it too much. Why not change taste.