NO one should be allowed, at no time, to enter your home without proper reason and legal document.
Do not just blame US legal system.
Mainland China
Article 101 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China provides lifetime revocation of driver licenses for hit and run.
United States
The penalties (and the definition) of hit-and-run vary from state to state.[6] For example, in Virginia, the crime is a felony if the accident causes death, injury, or damage to attended property in excess of a certain dollar amount; otherwise, it is a misdemeanor.[7]
sunydays 发表评论于
The US police is not good too. One day I passed his car within speed limit, he stopped me: you passed me. I said that I was in the limit. He said: your speed is 65 within 55 mile limit. He said it is black, can I say it is white?
I went to court, defend myself as innocent. The Judge said: it is a wrong place to say that!
HCC 发表评论于
I agree with changshayan. Your friend doesn't remember that he hit someone elses' car? That's kind of hard to believe. Not to mention: there was a witness who saw this? If I were the judge, I would find against your friend too.
By the way, I also agree with 玉猫 too.
xpangela 发表评论于
thank you ! 写出来就好。律师都是一样的。
偶灯斯陋 发表评论于
为什么看到警察来访不问明原因呢?警察应该告诉他为什么来看他的车,(有人告他hit and run)那么,他在那个时候就应该抓住这个机会澄清自己,至少问清楚对方告他所谓“肇事逃跑”是发生在何时何地;或者认识到确实是自己的错误,直接认罚,不必找律师打官司。
前面有人提到“没有search warrant 警察也不可以随便进你家”,说的对。你也不应该随便让警察进你家,一定要讨个“说法”先。
这句话说的太武断了呀。看看美国有多少Class Law Suit。我自己就收到很多不同案子的赔偿(都是股票有关的案子)。我们中国人的本性就是息事宁人,这也没有错。这是我们怕事,吃点小亏。博主说的很好啊,大家都忙啊,请假不易啊,英文又不好啊等等。可是我看到老美就不这样,他们没有我们这种吃小亏的心态。所以到处打官司。所以打官司是他们的文化。因此,这点与我们的文化冲突。不过因为这点冲突而否认这个国家,也是有点过分。其实,完全看自己如何去看。这不,很多人都回国了呀。有一点就是,在美国,基本上公职人员都是守法的。因为,一旦被发现他们营私舞弊,职位可能不保。一旦没有了职位,他这一辈子就完了。很多例子啊。当然,以偏概全的情形一定有,一个警察的学历有限,判断力的疏忽在所难免。所以,来到这个异地,自己的心态要调整。即使是回到国内,也会碰到有理说不清的时候。到那时你的想法比在美国还要恶劣。在自己的国家连申冤的地方都没有,那才是真正的无奈啊。
My car was scratch and dent about one food long by van parked next in parking lot last October. I called 911 tried to get report. A police came and looked the paint from the van is on the damaged area on my car. But it was turned around as was crazy and the guy has not obligation due to the police incorrect report. The police officer stated: Although I noted damage to the driver's door of Lu's (my last name) vehicle including a small dent and maroon (color of the van)paint transfer marks, i was unable to determine what damage if any was done to the vehicle before the incident involving Lu's attempt to detain Natarajan (that guy) at the scen. Natarajan was advised of his right to sign an Arrest by Private Person form charging Lu with false imprisonment. This is the first time I learned: what law enforcement official can is your tax pays them to miss up black and white because i don't speak good English. I live in California.
HIT AND RUN is BAD. 但你能肯定不是圈套吗?缺钱花找个人做帮手, 人人都有可能成TARGET.
I agree with you. But in this case police did check the car.
leomon 发表评论于
Someone put a dent to my car, door side, scratch up and little dent,
I guess someone open door and bump to my door. Didn't leave a note.
Another time was some one hit my car in parking lot, made a crack on bumper. But didn't leave note.
My car was vandalized one time, my side mirror with the frame are crashed. Someone must be on drug or drunk to do that
I am very angry for people doing that but there is nothing I can do. There is no witness or monitoring camera. I just paid for the fix. How can that be fair.
In this case, if he felt he hit someone's car, then he is guilty. If he feel nothing, then just tell Judge about it and pay for the fine and the fix.
I just don't understand why people hit and run or vandalize car and properties.
leomon 发表评论于
urkiddingme 发表评论于
我老婆有类似的经历。 她否认倒车碰到了别的车。 开了这么多年的车,怎么可能撞了车没感觉?警察没开罚单, 保险付了钱,清白驾驶记录就此终止。
HIT AND RUN is BAD. 但你能肯定不是圈套吗?缺钱花找个人做帮手, 人人都有可能成TARGET.
喜气连年 发表评论于
wxcqq 发表评论于
you see, when you put youself in other people's shoes, you know how you feel...
I've been driving in this country for 15 years, never had real accident/ on the road/ God forbidden, never had a speeding ticket/ knock on wood... excellent driving record. I am a very careful driver, even that i always feel driving is stressful for me... it looks like driving is not a problem for you, lucky you. But we Asians got a reputation in this country of being a bad driver... it's sad, but you know everyone in this country got a certain name...ha
开了很多年的车,我怎么没感觉到有什么headache,更不用说是big headache了。headache是有的,不过不是开车,而是买了辆老出毛病的美国车
hit and run 如果不是有意(道德问题),就是比较麻木的人,看来不适宜开车:如果 hit的是人而不是车,问题就大了。
daqiu 发表评论于
This article just proved that the US Law is fair. He did hit and run without feeling.
wxcqq 发表评论于
Living in this country, driving and owning a car is big headache, but you can't live without it unless you live in a big city like NYC which has very good metro system... Hitting and being hitten is the same troublesome. At least we all learn something from this experience....
HLiu 发表评论于
you can google
李永案经验谈(1) or
yijibang 发表评论于
您可能真是刮了别人的车子了。人家都有了人证。在美国没有人愿意出来做人证,除非是很明显的错误。开车碰到别的车,即使很小的意外,也要下来,留下电话以便联络。不然,有旁观者看见,这种Hit and Run 一定会有人看见的。看见的人一定出来作证。例子太多了呀。
-VIP- 发表评论于
这人本来就是hit and run加上美国法盲。