Les amoureux 情侣
看到法国画家Emile Friant的这些画,觉得很亲切,虽然他画的人物相隔现在一百年余,但好像也是现在的事,这样的情景在巴黎是看不到的, 要到法国乡下,法国乡下的农民非常可爱,朴实,勤劳,以食为天
法国不久前也是以农业为主的国家, 像所有的农业国家一样,生活气息非常浓厚, 难怪法国人说和中国有那么些相同之处,人可以依山靠水,有田有地, 有情有爱,日子应该是很温馨的,可是人又像所有的作物一样, 生死的宿命难以逃避,
他的画充满法国乡间生活气息,母女深情,小伙子打架闹着玩,每日饭桌时间是法国人一天很重要的时间,饭菜量也挺大的, 像上次去法国乡下餐馆给的饭菜量巨大又便宜, 朋友开玩笑说,这是农民工人餐,吃完好干活的。 那幅农民餐桌上政治讨论的画,不用说他们已经面红耳赤了,画中一人头还偏一边去,不想说话的样子,好率真朴实。画家画室一画,感受到画家那孤独脆弱强大的灵魂
Toussaint节是每年的11月1日,就像中国的清明节,天气变寒,人们开始穿着大衣结伴去墓地扫墓,La douleur是最撕心裂肺的画, 可又是人生中每个人不可避免的一幕;
Emile Briant出生在一个普通家庭,父亲修锁的,母亲是裁缝, 但画家幼时深得一无子的化学家夫妇的爱护和培养,他的画多为Nancy 艺术馆收藏。
Chagrin d'enfant
La lutte
La Toussaints (All saints' day) 1889, Musee de Beaux-art, Nancy
La douleur
Ddiscussion politique 1889
The Frugal Repast
Émile Friant (1863, Dieuze, Moselle – 1932) was a French artist. Friant was born in the commune of Dieuze, however he was later forced to flee to Nancy. Throughout his lifetime, his paintings were featured at the Salon. Friant unexpectedly died in Paris in 1932
Early life
Friant was born in the commune of Dieuze in 1863. His father was a locksmith, and his mother a dressmaker. Madame Parisot, the wife of a chemist, would hire Friant's wife to design custom pieces of clothing. The Parisots treated Friant maternally as they were without children
Due to the Franco-Prussian War, Dieuze was no longer under French control
Parisot had been intensely distressed by this and intended to flee for Nancy, but died before being able to do so. In 1871, Madame Parisot fled with Friant to
Friant was to learn Latin at the lycée as Madame Parisot intended for him to become a chemist. Friends of Friant's father suggested sending him to a municipal school of art. Because of his poor work at the lycée, Friant asked for permission to leave and focus on his art. His father agreed, and Friant was placed under a private tutor that would arrange work so that it left time for painting. Under the guidance of Louis Devilly, director of a school in Nancy and a proponent of realism, Friant painted still life and landscapes.
Friant painted Le petit Friant at the age of 15. It was exhibited in
The Salon
In 1882, Aime Morot, a friend of Friant, encouraged him to debut two of his works at the Salon: The Prodigal Son and Studio Interior. In 1883, Friant took second place in the Prix de Rome and presented at the Salon. At his next two Salon presentations, over the following two years, he won third-class and second-class honors respectively. Friant formed a lasting friendship with Ernest and Benoit Coquelin. With the grant he received from the Salon of 1886, he traveled to and studied in the Netherlands. His painting of the Coquelins' mother reflects the effects of that journey.
Later life
In 1923, Friant was appointed a professor of painting at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He was also promoted to the position of commander in the Legion of Honor. Lastly, Friant was made a member of the Institut de France. In 1932, Friant fell to a sudden death in
- Un étudiant (1885) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy
- La Toussaint (1886) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy
- La Douleur (1898) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy
- Les Amoureux Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy
- La Discussion politique collection privée
- La Lutte (1889) Musée Fabre Montpellier
- L'Expiation (1909) collection privée
- Portrait de madame Coquelin Mère collection privée
- Tendresse maternelle collection privée
- Portrait de Madame Petitjean collection privée
- Portait d'Auguste Daum collection privée
- La Visite au studio (1906), collection privée
- Autoportrait collection privée
- Portrait d'Albert Jasson (1911), Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy.
- Faunesse.
- Deux panneaux pour le grand salon de l'hôtel de ville de Nancy.