send you in QQH.... if you have further questions we can communicate thru e-mail as well.
lynnzhou 发表评论于
Fantastic work!I like No2,4,5,11,14 most,and really like to have them.
I am in Tokyo,have been proudly introduce your work to my friends here.Is it possible to know the Brand and possible to find them here? My mail:lynn-zhou@hotmail.com
xux 发表评论于
wow, speechless ...
bambooseven 发表评论于
while this post was put up, I was still checking and editing it:) that's why u did not see it the first time.
Let me check out the scene. Watched all
Three of them. 红,蓝,白。
megchen 发表评论于
luckily I found that unforgettable scene from movie Rouge in youtube.
that huge post of the girl in the movie on the street ( for advertising) is also very touching.
megchen 发表评论于
sorry, I just saw the words. Maybe my computer was a little bit slow...
megchen 发表评论于
gosh, so beautiful...finally! Before I left this city with a little bit disappointment tonight, I saw this post!
Thank you! How about use number for each work, so it's easier for us to let you know which one we like most. I like 4, 7 and the last one most. Anyway, they are all beautiful. White and black...
Remember many years ago, I watched a French movie called Rouge (Red), the director was a Polish. When the young girl was walking on the T stage, my heart was melt. That's one of the most beautiful scene in my memory from thousand movies I have watched.