Shawn是那种表面平静温柔但内心却很热情的人,做事情aggressive,tried to make the impossible possible and fight till the end. 是不是职业本能,我不知道.在Ghana虽然他知道我结婚了却没有故意远离,经常在第1时间过来帮我保护我.因为是teammate我没有多想,加上我本来就是很喜欢讲话交朋友的个性.
我没有在Ghana的文章里写,Shawn曾经在放学路上问r u happy with ur current life? 我说of course,I'm happy.他又问 r u sure? 当时他的表情有点怪,我也没多想,就觉的是平常聊天. 但是在他救了我以后, 突然我就非常的喜欢他, 只要他走在旁边我就会感觉非常安全, 也很喜欢他和我说话看着我对我微笑的样子,但理智1直告诉我不能这样想.我也没有在以前文章写, 其实他跟我说了3次, 最后他说"I'd do anything even fight dirty if u allow me…" Although I was so attracted to him and like him very much but I still turned him down, cuz I personally am a little nervous with very ambitious people, male or female.
回国后我不敢联络,希望他能早点move on, 我就可以带家人去正式感谢,但我还是不放心他, 偶尔去看他的FB也知道他也在看我FB, 因为只要我贴照片或写什么心情, 他都会在他的FB回应, 但我们都没有加对方. 当我看到他写"I finally realized how much u mean to me while running in the rain with a life on my arms, just can't let it go…"知道他还没有办法放下他在Ghana的付出,我很痛苦也很guilty.
接到他的voice mail,我的心情有点乱,不知道怎么办.想了很久后,我告诉自己Shawn is my angel and saved my life, 虽然我非常喜欢他却没办法回应, 所以我不能让他再继续浪费时间, 我要尽全力保护他, 说服他放弃我,让他明白这次他只是输在timing, 因为1定要胜的心理只能让所有人都痛苦, 同时我还要保证不能让KIM间接受伤. 如果最后1定有人要为这件事负责, 我原意独自去背这个十字架, 因为所有问题都是因为我而产生, 跟他们无关.
虽然我想好最后想要的结果,但因为从来都没有碰过这种情形, 也不知道怎样做. 我就打电话约Dr.G, 但是助手说Dr.G渡假去了. 想了几天后,我还是怕自己在实际执行中可能会误伤到他们or turn things out of control就打电话给爸爸讲我的难题并请求建议.
讲完故事后,我就忍不住伤心哭着说"I always follow God's word and be a disciplined person, just don't understand why God put me in such imperfect situation???" 爸爸说其实我等你跟我讲这个故事已经等了3个月了,谢谢你终于跟我分享. 不管你做什么要记住这个世界没有完美的人和事, 只有承认不完美的自己才会有真正的快乐. 人都不喜欢细菌但如果没有细菌在肚子帮忙消化, 人就没办法吸收每天的养份, 鱼在无菌的水池是不会活的.为什么在美国有很多人有过敏症,因为平时用太多消毒水. 人是高级动物当然有天生的动物本能, 这个很正常不要guilty, 人跟动物的区别就是我们有思想,会用法律道德家庭来管理自己的动物本能, 选择做减少对自己和别人伤害的事.
爸爸说如果最后格局不变,Shawn救了他的女儿也就是他的儿子,今后他1定会尽全力暗暗的去帮助Shawn的事业, 如果格局有变,他要我提早跟他讲,因为他要和律师prepare for a tough war...
最后当我跟爸爸讲所有经过,爸爸对KIM的表现非常满意,高兴的说KIM做事情有谋有勇能沉住气,越来越有气势了, 不亏是his son in law 还感叹说当年他很担心KIM有韩国大男子主义,没有办法给我幸福,现在看好像有点多余. 最搞笑的人是我妈,见了Shawn后竟然有点伤感的说早知道我就再多生个女儿了,唉! 我就取笑说2个律师陪你吃饭聊天, 怎样算都是赚!
God taught me that whatever comes our way, whatever battle rages inside of us, we always have a choice, destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice. So I choose to be the best of myself, it's the choice that make me who I am and what's right to do as a Christian. God also taught me that treat others the way u want to be treated, and be a person whose heart is filled with compassion, joy and loving kindness, so I tried my best to protect the two most important person in my life, maybe was not perfect though but at least I tried, and I think they got my message cuz they just did the same…
都说Beyond borders跟我的故事很像, 就去找DVD补课. 看到流泪是肯定的, 看完后, 我问自己if Shawn got kidnapped by rebels, what will I do? 答案是我会请求family给我最大支持,尽全力去救他, 因为他曾经救过我, 现在应该轮到我去救他了.如果是KIM, 我会像电影里的Sarah放弃所有1切去救他, I'll do anything to get him back no matter what! 如果最后还是救不出来, 我就跟他死在1起, no question about it!
For you, I will…
P.S. The reason I wrote everything down were-- 1.An assignment from Dr.G; 2.My first documentary about Africa; 3.To a person who's late but means a lot to me; 4.To learn different perspectives and personality from this sensitive subject.
特别感谢红旗, 如果没有你站在男生角度帮我分析,1路耐心指引,可能我没有办法想那么多那么远,更不会成熟到先给家人打镇定剂. 虽然你好心劝我不要写出所有细节和心情,怕引起许多没营养的讨论,但我还是选择尊重事实,真实面对自己的不完美.因为在写之前我就把心里的石头搬走了, 读者要怎样研究那个石头,我不管. 对我来说我只保证自己脑子能够正常运作就好了,没办法管别人的,因为没有那么历害的智商和权利. Anyway, thank u so much for your kindest support, really appreciated it!
A beautiful lady, a beautiful story, and a beautiful life --you have them all. It is a blessing from above, and you sure know how to appreciate it, which is the most important and catching aspect of your writing. Love, may God continue to bless you.