Lilies That Can Kill or Cause Serious Illness
Eating certain lilies could cause a fatal reaction or death. The toxicity of the star lily (Zigadenus fremontii) is so well known that it is also known as death camas. It grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 10. The gloriosa lily (Gloriosa superba), also known as the climbing lily or glory lily, makes your mouth, throat, tongue and lips go numb if eaten. Ingestion can also result in potentially serious paralysis of the nervous system, depending on the amount eaten. It can grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 8b through 11. The innocuous-looking lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) has a darker side. People who eat any part of this lily may experience an irregular heart rate, confusion, digestive upset, diarrhea or vomiting. Lily of the valley grows in USDA plant hardiness zones 4a to 9b. The California Poison Control System notes that lily of the valley and gloriosa lily can cause serious problems or death if eaten. If someone has eaten one of these lilies, take immediate action and call your doctor at once to prevent death or serious illness from these plants.
Lilies Containing Oxalates
Calcium oxalate is a serious substance. It has a structure that resembles tiny needles. Eating lilies containing this substance could result in irritation and swelling of the mouth, affecting the tongue, top of the mouth and lips. The types of lilies that include oxalate are the peace lily (Spathiphyllum cannifolium) and calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica). Peace lilies grow outdoors in USDA plant hardiness zone 9b. Calla lilies grow in zones 8 through 10.
Lilies That Cause Skin Irritation
Skin irritation can occur in some people who come in contact with the parts of certain lilies, especially the sap. For rashes and skin irritation, wash the affected area and make an appointment with your doctor if the rash is especially painful. The California Poison Control System identifies the following as skin-irritating lilies: Crinum lily (Crinum spp.), calla lily, plants in the Lilium family, lily of the valley and the belladonna lily (Amaryllis belladonna), which grows in USDA plant hardiness zones 7a through 10b. Though not true lilies, calla lilies may be confused with real lilies by their name, which is why they are included.
Mildly Toxic Lilies
"Mildly toxic" is a relative term. It refers to plants that produce a minor digestive reaction, such as diarrhea or vomiting, but not serious illness or death when eaten. Contact a doctor if the reaction is severe or if you have any concerns. Crinum lily bulbs can cause problems if eaten. Varieties of Zephyranthes lilies are toxic to people. Eating any part of rain lilies (Zephyranthes stellaris) or atamasco lilies (Zephyranthes atamasco) could result in dizziness, collapsing or stomach pain. The reaction can vary depending on the person and the amount eaten. The atamasco type grows in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. Rain lilies can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 8a through 10b. If symptoms progress beyond stomach upset, contact a doctor immediately.
For anyone who has eaten or touched any portion of a lily and experiences symptoms, immediate care must be given. Phone the doctor or poison control center and rinse off the affected area with clean water. Take the remaining portion of the plant with you to the doctor. Luckily, most lilies are not classified as fatal, but some are, according to the California Poison Control System. Always treat any reaction to a toxic plant as serious, especially to lilies, which can have serious, if not fatal, consequences.
甲城老武 发表评论于
回复 'artinina' 的评论 : 对,就是要吃新鲜的百合。当天挖,当天吃没问题。
artinina 发表评论于
Could you please tell :fresh lily can be eaten? thanks.