以上是美国方面有关病毒源头的说法。德国总理墨克尔呼吁中国透明面对疫源的质疑;法国总统马克宏说,中国疫情的处理难以让人们得知全貌;瑞典抨击中国因对新冠肺炎疫情的方式对多国构成威胁;澳洲则主张中国应接受疫源调查釐清责任。 “五眼联盟” 紧追其后,直指武汉P4实验室,并画出石正立丽,周鹏两位科学家脸谱。欧盟也一改观望态度,正式加入美国阵营。而之前一直偏袒中国的世卫组织态度急转直下,世卫组织驻华代表高力说“世卫组织也认为病毒源头在武汉,但中国多次拒绝世卫专家来华调查。” 该组织发言人塔里克·贾萨雷维奇5月1日表示:“世卫组织愿意与国际伙伴合作,并应得到中国政府的邀请参加动物起源调查。” 当地时间5月6日,世卫组织召开新冠肺炎例行发布会,世卫组织卫生紧急项目技术主管玛丽亚·范·科霍夫表示,WHO Will Try to Find Source of Virus in China。他们正与相关方讨论再次派代表团前往中国,将关注不同动物的接触史,以找到病毒来源。
其实蓬佩奥seem to 相信专家的at this point: manmade.
不相信DNI的(no reason to doubt): not manmade.
DNI 里面有的是第五纵队吧.但不能去实地查,蓬没有确实的证据去反驳某一方.整个世界都是.
RADDATZ: Do you believe it was manmade or genetically modified?
POMPEO: Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was manmade. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point.
RADDATZ: Your -- your Office of the DNI says the consensus, the scientific consensus was not manmade or genetically modified.
POMPEO: That's right. I -- I -- I agree with that. Yes. I've -- I've seen their analysis. I've seen the summary that you saw that was released publicly. I have no reason to doubt that that is accurate at this point.
RADDATZ: OK, so just to be clear, you do not think it was manmade or genetically modified?
POMPEO: I've seen what the intelligence community has said. I have no reason to believe that they've got it wrong.