Prayer requests sent from Zev, currently serving in the military reserves near the Gaza border.
Thank you for your prayers! They are so needed.
I’m sitting here on the roof of a house, with a rifle in my lap overlooking Gaza as rockets fly overhead every 4 minutes. It makes it very easy to think of things to pray for!
Please pray for the victims and their families. Many of the deaths were horrific. I cant even imagine what they are feeling.
Please pray for those who are currently in captivity. May God help them.
Please pray for those that are wounded, and fighting for their lives in the hospitals, there are so many.
Please pray for our leaders and decision makers - for wisdom
Please pray for our soldiers.
- For alertness
- For wisdom
- For maturity
- For strength
And also for love - the atrocities that they are seeing and going through really take a mental toll - and it makes it easy to start feeling hatred.
Please pray for our believing soldiers. We aren’t many as it is and two have already lost their lives in the last 4 days.
There is a lot of talk about God and death now amongst the soldiers. I have already spoken to 5 different soldiers about my faith in Jesus during our guard shifts. Please pray that we would give a good witness.