Trader joe‘s 海产品全线崩溃

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接上一期话说walmart costco,target几大食品零售商充斥着阿三可爱的恒河虾,心里想去我喜欢的trader joe's看看吧,去老吹主要喜欢那里的干果和有机蔬菜,没关注过海产品,先去冷冻虾处转转,只看产地,和是否是养殖的。

结果是百花齐放,有印度,越南,泰国,马来西亚,印尼,清一色养殖虾。没有看过关于其他国家养殖虾的环境报道,但都是不发达国家,养殖虾技术大同小异,要防病,要增肥,要快速,how? 你要是养殖主就是再笨也能想到怎么办。


激动吧,USA,别急,processed in USA,原产地,挪威,哇,终于有个发达国家产的鱼了,可是,仍然是farm raised,养殖的any problem ?

最让我upset is 这个note:肉染色了。。。。王。。。德发!


那天我还是不死心,又去target转了转,终于发现美国产的野生虾了,叫wild caught large raw shrimp white gulf,如获至宝,买了好几袋库存。简单识别方法就是野生的一般是深蓝袋子,左上角会写wild caught


新林院 发表评论于
【又去target转了转,终于发现美国产的野生虾了,叫wild caught large raw shrimp white gulf,如获至宝,买了好几袋库存。】
Gulf 指的是在 Gulf of Mexico。
2010 年,Deepwater Horizon 在 Gulf of Mexico 海上钻井平台爆炸,大量原油泄入海水,严重污染水产品。
已经过了14年了。不知道现在 Gulf of Mexico 里的水产品是不是已经干净了。

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常态 发表评论于

Posted on May 30, 2019 by marine-aquaculture
What does "color added" mean on a label for salmon at the grocery store?

“Color added” on a label for salmon and salmon products means that the salmon were given a feed which contains a pigment called astaxanthin. When the feed is digested, the astaxanthin is absorbed into the fish’s flesh giving the fillets or steaks a reddish or ‘salmon’ color. Astaxanthin is pigment occurring in nature that gives flamingos their pink coloration. It also turns cooked shrimp and crabs an orange-red color. In the wild, salmon get astaxanthin through their diets, which consist of plankton and small fish. Farmed salmon get astaxanthin in their feeds as an added dietary supplement, hence the use of the phrase “color added”.

Asthaxanthin provides color to both wild and farmed salmon flesh, but it is also an important nutrient for the salmon, and for humans.
常态 发表评论于
这个能确认下是吃了增加颜色的饲料吗? ”肉染色了“
agentsmith 发表评论于
明天去target抢几袋再说!一叔啊,你若哪天宣布竞选总统,我一定做volunteer支持!我也去了当地的trader joes,除了你说的这几个产地外,还有阿根廷的野生虾仁,我想买的,但犹豫了一下没买,下次买了尝尝吧:)
agentsmith 发表评论于