回来以后的头两个星期里,自己一个人哭了一场, 为了等那久久没有回复的一封信, 心理承受力比从前差了很多.得不到想要的,仿佛天塌了一般.早上10点起床,没有邮件,又是新的一天,还不是要面对.
there may not be any hope in the future, I JUST feel much better than the yesterday. That is the way people face to the failure and be prepare for tomorrow. I want that job so badly which make me act like someone else. Slow down! anyway, i had a bad week and totally pissed off. i never expect this had been so hard to get what I want. The bad thing is I am alone again even though I talked to mom dad throuh the phone. this is a big world but nobody really can help me out