To do the link:
1) highlight the wording you want to have link to
2) 在发表博客文章的那个SCREEN, 有一排功能选择,click on the one icon that looks like a 链
3) click 了以后, 会有一个小SCREEN 出现, 你只需要把你要连接的那篇文章的URL(就是WWW.ABC.COM) PASTE 进去, 点击OK 就好.
就可以了。我一般喜欢把含有连接的文字 B 一下,就是弄成粗体, 看得清楚。
虔谦 发表评论于
Dear 爱河鱼饵
To do the link:
1) highlight the wording you want to have link to
2) 在发表博客文章的那个SCREEN, 有一排功能选择,click on the one icon that looks like a 链
就可以了。我一般喜欢把含有连接的文字 B 一下,就是弄成粗体, 看得清楚。
虔谦 发表评论于
thank you so much sister, it is good.... i will have to get back to you for how to do the linke, but that is already good enough. chat you later...
have a peaceful good night!